Friday 3 April 2015

What A Week

So hi there. As you may have noticed I haven't been blogging, despite my apology post and the vow to continue. But in my defense the plan was to post on Tuesday and Wednesday, but because I was at my sister's we got distracted and I had no time. Now I am home I have no excuse.You can have the update post that was meant for Tuesday and the Month thing will be on Monday. And I mean IT WILL BE. If not slap me with a strawberry lace. 
Wednesday 25th: I had an early start eating hot cross buns and then walking to school with  Harvey talking about the placenta overlord. And I was trying to do some homework but failed at it, and then just went to biology. Here we learnt about what genetics have to do with variation and did some synoptic stuff. Wasn't that exciting a lesson. So we move on to break where we were just chatting and then Maddy wanted to have a little bitch with me in the study centre so we went there. Then it was private study where I was doing some research on the next part of our media exam. After this was the amazing pointless conference where we weren't in our usual place/ It was mainly completing questionnaires and watching revision based videos. Then it was lunchtime and we were all just chit-chatting and making a chain of lanyards. Finally I had media where we looked at and analysed a model answer then Miss came over to me and said she was very impressed with the mock essay I wrote last lesson. I was shocked as I thought it needed a lot of improvement. 
Thursday 26th: Another early start, but I got the bus at 8:00 instead of 7:30.It was pouring it down so I took my adorable Winnie the Pooh umbrella. When one of the various Tom's I know used that as a conversation starter and then we just discussed that among other things on the walk to school. I was the first to arrive for psychology and then 4 other people turned up before the teacher got there and everyone else was like 5-20 minutes late. We had our coffee morning and I was sat there drinking hot chocolate excited as we were learning about chi squared and I already knew about this for biology. But to work out the degrees of freedom they used a different method which completely confused me, and everyone tried explaining it, but it just wouldn't click, and I got upset because I just hate being the only one who doesn't understand and I left the room. Hannah and Maddy where trying to help me in the common room, but I was just getting more confused and was scared I would start getting the two ways mixed up and then fail biology or something and just flipped out in my beloved cubicle. Jessie then brought me a cup of tea which must have looked really weird.  And then Dawn found me and got me to talk to the head of year. I calmed down a bit as it was the end of break and decided to just forget about it for the rest of the day. So I had my two hours of private study with Maddy, Gemma, Jessie, Harvey, Ashton and another Tom in the common room and we partially did work, but mainly made cup art and listened to Green Day songs. Then I stuck around for a little chat before heading home and chilling to my hearts content.
Friday 27th: The last day of term which is kind of scary because it means exams are fast approaching :O But I managed to miss the bus this morning so mum gave me a lift in and I was sitting in the common room before lessons started. Jess was being all snuggly and ugh because of a home situation and as she was recalling the story to me she thought Harvey told her to "get rekt" which he didn't actually say. Then it was private study time, and I was watching youtubes and answered some past paper questions. I was marking them through break and then I moved on to Media, where we ate Mendl cake someone made for us and were just finishing off our coursework stuff. After a very quick mentor meeting it was then lunch where we just made Jessie wear everyone's coats. Finishing the last day of term with Biology, where only two of us turned up but we got some cake! We recapped some stuff we did the last couple of lessons and then it was the Easter assembly. There was the classic Easter tale and then the much loved Giant Easter Egg tradition, which was beaten this year and we were all very impressed. So then me and Emma rushed to get the bus and chatted about what we will do in the holidays and such. At home I just chilled and contemplated life. I also called Hariette on Skype.
Saturday 28th: I had worked today so I got ready in time for the 10:10 bus. Which never turned up. So I waited half an hour talking to Lucy's mum about a bunch of different things. Then the next bus turned up, but I was pissed off because this was going to make me late for work. But Clarums was on the bus and we had a little chat, and Lish joined and she has finally provided me with the money she owes me. We all talked a little about tv shows and work and then I had to rush off to work. I had someone back me today so I didn't feel so much pressure of the mass of people. I felt abandoned by fry guy as he told someone else they were the best :'( And when I got cashed up it turns out I was £4 down. It just ended badly. But it was still an alright day. I went home after this and made me and my dad some food and watched youtube.
Sunday 29th: I woke up and made some crumpets. Then I had a cat invade my bed for the whole day, while I watched Grimm and played sims, and actually wrote most of this blog post. It wasn't that much of a productive day.  Then shit got crazy, but I think it is pretty much sorted now. 
Monday 30th: Another very unproductive day, doing small amounts of revision, playing sims and watching Once Upon a Time. I live such a thrilling life in the Easter Holidays.
Tuesday 31st: Now today was something different. I got up early and got ready to head out to see my sister in Derby. I vlogged this journey as it was my first train trip so you can watch that and know everything when I post it. (Probably on Wednesday) So I got the bus and headed to the magical place I had never been before, then took the train, and met with Hal. It was a treacherous walk back to hers and we stopped in Sainsbury's to buy essentials. Then we ate chilled and met Hal's friends and then people I'd say were her acquaintances.  But yeah there was some laughs around phone calling and Mean Girls. You go Glenn Coco! Then we watched The IT Crowd's final episode when the friends left and we tried sleeping.

See you in the 'morrow!

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