Friday 24 April 2015

Bad Tweet Sharing.

Hey so I was wondering what to blog about and realised I still had many old tweets to look through. So I started getting screenshots and things then realised I was in the wrong tab and missed out a bunch of tweets and I didn't want to screen shot them as the order would be ruined and I would be frustrated, so I just briefed what the things were about (they are mainly just the conversations between me and another person, not that exciting). So enjoy. 

I don't know why this is in a bigger font to the others, but I guess it helps show my excitement. It was a great film and a great day :) 
 I just really want this to be a thing.
 But then it came back and became shit. If only I knew

25th Nov: Lish tweeted about TVD I gave a sarcastic response.

4th Dec Lish Siobhan and I tweeting each other about sarcasm.
 It was a weird joke between us. But he genuinely had a hickey, we then continue to tweet about this. Ended with me smiling evilly.
13th Dec I was tweeting with Bradley about this gingerbread snail I had left in my locker for about a year. No difference between the before and after.
 Quite a few of my tweets are links to my account.

18th Dec Siobhan and I just tweeting about the rules of secret santa as our group decided to have our own that year.
20th Dec Carley and I just tweet about coursework, very boring.
 It most probably was. 
 Angry Elli is angry. I wonder which friend this was...

I sound like such a lovely person right now

Yeah it is pretty funny.
 I'm so positive. But 2013 was pretty shit also.  However I think I managed to have those seven moments. 
I have his book!

Cross country will always be the worst thing in the world.

9th Jan I tweeted Amy trying to cheer her up as she tweeted about just giving up with everything.
11th Jan Siobhan, Lish and I were tweeting about how much Lish loves me and how she has turned Lesbian for me and SIobhan was getting jealous.
A lot of shit happened in year 11, but life goes on. The shitness just alters. 
Those were the days.

It is still weird to see him sitting there on a smart phone. 

Mum wanted me to come with her to collect Hariette from the city. 
The old late bus system was stupid. So glad we have Andrew now.
 I was just making fun of the advert. I'm should stop trying.
2nd  Feb George had tweeted something that made me question how straight he claimed to be. 
I still love being human.
I think this is about when I was told my nannies cancer had cleared. It made things seem brighter. 
6th Feb Just a boring twitter conversation about the school photo.
7th Feb George and I talking about how we helped out at an open evening.
9th Feb Carley and I talking about Thumbelina. Twas a good movie. 
 It was cute. I watched it so many times. 
I had told him previously that I am not the valentine's day kind of girl and he asked me what I wanted. (Ex boyfriend by the way) 

19th Feb George tweeted something slightly inappropriate about Carley and I was like I can't believe it. 
 This could be many a film. 

I think I will end this here as I am sleepy and tired and sleepy and tired and sleepy and tired. So I hope you enjoyed and I will post soon. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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