Friday 17 April 2015

Birthday Bash.

To start with I am sorry for there being no post on Wednesday, but I was in the middle of writing it when I fell asleep. So yeah... But you should also know that I am very tired now so this probably won't be that long or interesting. 

As some of you may or may not know Tuesday marked my 18th birthday, and as of yet I haven't really done anything to celebrate it, which bugs me a little because 18 is like a big deal because you are now able to do this, that, these and those, and it's like I haven't properly celebrated this, mainly because I had school on my actual birthday and I work weekends so it's difficult to find the time. But while I figure that out I will just tell you about how my birthday celebration has been so far in terms of what I have got, and a little more into what I actually did. I would also like to take this time to just thank everyone again for what I got. 

Let's just quickly start with Hal's gift that she had given me during my visit. It was a Lemongrab funk pop vinyl figure, a tigger mug, an alien plush, and some small chocolates. (All chocolates have been consumed). 

So I woke up and opened about 4 cards from my family inside these were money and then mum surprised me with presents. These were a bottle of champagne, a keychain with an 18 charm, a tatty teddy snowglobe that says 18 on it, and a t-shirt that reads "vintage 1997 aged to perfection". So I put up my cards, stashed the money, put the presents upstairs and then wore the shirt and key chain for the day. 

The first person I saw who wished me happy birthday after this was Emily, and she apologised about how her gift wasn't here yet, and it's completely fine considering hers arrived like a month late. Then at school I ran Giancarlo who gave me a cute owl keychain that lights up and makes weird noises, then into Maddy first and we said Happy Birthday to each other (it was her 18th too) and we exchanged gifts and then Siobhan, and Jessie bombarded me with presents, and Emma saying how hers hadn't arrived yet either. So I was carrying all these gifts. Jessie's wasn't wrapped so I stashed that away (she got me a large bar of Cadbury's, didn't last long) and then I opened Maddy's first and this was Sims 4 Get To Work, and then I opened Siobhan's gift which was a cute little owl necklace and an adventure time coaster, which I shall use with my adventure time mug Emma got for me last year. Then I went on with the rest of my day. 

At Lunch Amy felt bad she hadn't gotten me anything so she got me some cake decorating stuff and some plain cupcakes. The group at lunch decided to then go at it and had a slight competition, but we had no winner. Amy says she feels bad about this not being a conventional gift, but I loved it, because it was a delicious fun memory that not only I enjoyed. 

At home I got phone calls from people with birthday wishes and then mum had gotten me this decorative champagne glass and terrified me with giant surprise balloons. In the evening Emma gave me her gifts. It was these alcohol test tube things, a vodka slush type thing, a cards against humanity expansion pack, and a snail ornament to match one that I already own. And thus my birthday was over. 
 However today I also received a further two birthday cards which were adorable. So I had a pretty great birthday, and I love everything I have gotten, but I still wish I could do something in celebration. I think it's getting a bit late now though :/ 

See you in the 'morrow!

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