Monday 20 April 2015


I don't want to talk much because whenever I get overexcited about something it goes wrong, but I have nothing else to really talk about and this has been on my mind today. So I am really nervous for Wednesday, because I have my big apprenticeship interview which I would really like to get, because it is training for something that I really want to do and a possible job in something I really want to do. But I have noticed that when I go into interviews for things I really want I tend not to be so lucky. Probably because I mess up trying to impress people. I plan everything in my mind, like questions, and responses but sometimes the questions are answered before I can ask them, or they ask a question I am not prepared for. Personally I think interviews are an unfair test of what you will be like at work. 

But I guess all I have to do is my best, and hope they will just like me for me and sense how much I want this and give me a chance. Because once I have the chance I can prove how good I can really be and show them they will not regret the decision. But yeah. Wish me luck. 

Sorry this was a short post, but I have been busy chilling, school stuffing and preparing for this interview. Love ya!

See you in the 'morrow!

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