Tuesday 14 April 2015

Birthday Build-Up

Wednesday 8th: I spent the entire morning sleeping, as I knew I was going to be up for most of the night and didn't want to be too tired. So I woke up ate some curiously cinnamon and watched Moone Boy. Then I showered and chilled and got ready to go to the party. We played with balloons, we played with water balloons, we danced, we sang, we played Cards Against Humanity, we witnessed someone take a shot of Hot Sauce, most of us died from this. I was coughing like crazy. We got drinks and food from McDonald's, consumed that, chatted and then slowly people got sleepy. 
Thursday 9th: I woke up every now and then but around 7:30 I was fully awake and decided I should get the next bus home. So I helped clear up a few things and then got ready to get a bus. When I got home I asked mum if we were doing anything and she said no so I watched some tv and then fell asleep on the sofa. I woke up around 2 and grabbed some food and then I fell back asleep. I was fine by 4 and then went upstairs to watch youtube. I then started writing this blog post and did very little else. 
Friday 10th: I had work today, but it wasn't that early a start, so I had a small lay in. But I wasn't looking forward to that fact I have to work the whole weekend also. It was just a typical day at work. I stayed behind like an extra half an hour, and then went home and had a weird day. 
Saturday 11th: More work, today I was just doing everything, and had a review saying I was doing well I just needed to work towards getting some stars. So I took a test for that. I again finished like half an hour late. I finished after the last bus so mum picked me up and we went to get some chips and I called Hariette. Then it turns out mum forget to get me chips :/ So I made pasta. Then I watched tv with them and then slept because I was so tired.
Sunday 12th: I was at work again, mum gave me a lift, it was a normal day pretty much. I got to leave early :) Then I went home and chilled. 
Monday 13th: I was meant to be back at school but I had a really shitty night+morning so I stayed home and napped through it. I then did a little revision as well as playing sims and watching Once Upon a Time and youtube and Bones and many other things. Later in the day I went to the post office to get the package I missed on Saturday and I had to carry that home as well as a huge ass package for mum. 
Tuesday 14th: MY BIRTHDAY! I got a message at midnight from my sister and then went to sleep. Then I woke up and cuddled with mum, and opened some presents and cards. I then chilled a bit with Sebbles and then went to school, chatting to Emily about random things. At school I was given gifts, and then gave Maddy hers (it's her birthday also) we chatted and then I went to private study where I did some revision and then helped Giancarlo with his practice citizen test. So then it was lunch at we all sat around the table talking when Amy got me cupcakes and decorations for my birthday, so we had a fun time with that. It was a diabetic nightmare. Then we chatted some more had some laughs and then we went to psychology where we had no teacher, so nothing was really done. Mainly banter. So we all left early. Then I got home got scared by some giant balloons and then played sims 4 get to work. Watched youtubes, finished this and then I shall go to sleep.

See you in the 'morrow!

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