Monday 6 April 2015

PICks Of The Month: March

Hello. So as promised you can have the PICks of the month. I cannot believe it is April already, everything is just moving so fast AAK. Anywho... these are my favourites of March. 
Tv Show: Well Once Upon A Time restarted and I have been watching and getting ever so slightly obsessed. It isn't as great as when Evil Hot Guy was there but the villains are still cool. I am loving Cruella De Vil. I am getting so into the story line I am very annoyed I have to wait a week to see what happens next! Don't worry I will not reveal major spoilers. But I just love this show, and have been watching it a lot this month.,
Youtuber: Hmm... so this month I think I am going to go with Kpopp. I know it's not Dan or Phil :O For those of you who don't know she is a gaming youtuber, she plays a lot of stuff, but I mainly watch for her dating simulator games, and for her Sim Challenges. I really suggest you watch her play the pregnant challenge. The reason I chose her for this month is because I was watching her play-through of Life Is Strange Episode 2 and I just think she is funny and awesome.

Blog Post: I can't choose.Sorry!
Dream: Not many recordable dreams happened in this months so I will just go with this one. It was only a short dream that happened in between when you wake up, realise it is too early and then go back to sleep: "I was on holiday, yet the place we were staying on holiday looked an awful lot like my own house. And my parents were wanting to go out but I was like I need to find the right outfit, as a lot of dreams I have revolve around clothing. So they kind of abandoned me and I was stressing because I couldn't find any of my clothes. Then all of a sudden the family and I were at a restaurant and I had this form at the table which had a bunch of times on it, and I think it was Hariette who was telling me that in order to have a vegetarian meal I had to work for the company for the next couple of weeks, But I was panicking because this was a holiday destination and we weren't going to be there for much longer and I didn't know what to do. Then I woke up." It was really weird. But I always have dreams related to clothes. Like forgetting things, or they are too small. But yeah. 
Song: This one is difficult, but I think I am going to go with My Heart Is Broken by Evanescence. Not because my heart is broken my heart is perfectly fine, but I just love this song, and it is really fun to just belt out at the top of your voice. Amy Lee has such an amazing voice. 
Game: Well I think this month I am going to go for a game I haven't played but would like to. This being Life Is Strange. As I mentioned in the youtubing section I have watched the let's play of it and it just looks like a really good game, and the design is o pretty and I am loving the story. I'm not sure I will ever play it because I already know what happens for like half of it now, so I think it takes something away, but it is  still a really cool looking game, and I cannot wait to find out what happens next. 
And finally...Picture: Hmm there are a lot of pictures to go through, and a lot of good memories come from them. But if I had to choose one I will go for this one. Because this just made me feel better on a bad day, and I was really proud of it. People were saying it was good so I was pleased. Someone threw the actual cup away though which makes me sad but at least I have the picture. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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