Friday 1 May 2015

Time's Running Out.

18 DAYS!!! There are only 18 days left until my first exam. NOOOO. I am not prepared. I am not ready. Some exams I wouldn't mid it just being over and done with but the ones I am not prepared for are happening first. AAAAAAAAK. Not only that but there is officially 1 month and 17 days until my last exam. Which means that after that day it is over. 6th form will have ended. And I will be lost as I am no longer tied to the school I have been to for the past 7 years of my life. 

So much has happened there. I met the majority of my friends.  There have been some pretty insane memories, and I am more comfortable with who I am now than I was before I started high school. What was the point of this paragraph? 

But basically, the end is nigh and I am scared. Because it means that I have to make the effort to see those people I want to see, and you should know my feelings on effort. Worst of all you have the people moving away because of Uni, like what am I going to do without Emma? I've known her most my life and had the comfort of knowing she only lives a short walk away but now she is going to Oxford! :O 

I'm not sure where I am going with all this, but yeah I'm panicking as it is almost over and I feel there is not enough time to finish everything and get decent grades at the end of it. Sorry this is a short post but I am busy and tired and I'm sure you don't want to read a lot right now. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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