Tuesday 7 April 2015

The Start Of A New Month

Wednesday 1st: It was a weird morning as none of us got that much sleep. We were awoken by drunk singing people and then one of the acquaintances shouting through the window. I was pissed off. But I managed to sleep soon after. Then Hal left to meet with them. So it was a rocky time. We woke up at like 10? Then went to make some breakfast. We decided to head into the town centre to do some shopping. We didn't buy much, asides from baking stuff, chocolate and hair dye. But we looked around pretty much everywhere we liked. Then we got back and chatted and then made cake pops. For first attempts I was rather impressed. We chilled around some more and then it got to 6 and we planned to go for a Nandos meal. Hal's Friends joined us and the 6 of us went out chatting about places we've been and then sat or our meal. I had my classic veggie burger. It was nice. We discussed how Alex looked like Ed Byrne and the waitress who kept dropping cutlery and Hal being disgusted by Sarah's eating habits. Then we headed back and on the way Hal and Kayleigh bought a tray bake cake and a bottle of vodka. Uni Life. We chatted for a bit as Hal was being proud her roommate cleaned her room and then we went to watch Read it and Weep where Hal died at Sarah's singing. Then we watched some youtube and then went to sleep. 
Thursday 2nd: It was an early morning for the train. I woke up at 7:30 and went to make myself some crumpets, I then got ready and got in a taxi. I left my bracelets behind :'( We got to the train station with time to spare and just waited for the train. Finally back home. I saw Amy which was nice. We talked about moving out and things and then decided it was time to head home because we were tired. When home I did my usual chilling out things. 
Friday 3rd: Today I had work, it was just a typical day at work, I was on drinks for most of it and then I was on someone's till to cover their break and when they came back we just worked together to get orders. Then apparently someone complained about me because I ignored them, when I genuinely had no idea anyone was talking to me. So it wasn't really ignoring as to me that seems intentional. I apologized to the guy and he still seemed pissed off and I had a little cry because I don't want people thinking I am rude like that. Talking to some people about films afterwards helped though. Apparently I should watch The Iron Giant. 
Saturday 4th: So we woke up at like 7:45 and then I got ready for the bus at 8:15. It was weird getting a Hellesdon bus to work. But yeah I was on till today and it was just your average day. Then I came home and chilled. 
Sunday 5th: I had a long lay in, and just did random things, like small bits of revision, playing sims, youtubes, watching Grimm. You know chilling stuff. 
Monday 6th: Today was essentially a repeat minus the Grimm watching. 
Tuesday 7th: Now the plan today was to have my hair cut and do revision. But my job had other plans. They woke me up with a phone call asking me to come in and because I was tired I said yes. But made sure I could still get my hair cut first. Then I watched a little tv and got ready to go out. I got my hair cut and we chatted to my hairdresser about tv and shiz then I got the bus to work. I was on drinks for the first couple of hours and then I got my own till. Another typical work day. However there was one point when I had to wait forever for my food as another person ordered 15 filet's. But yeah it was a nice but tiring day and then I headed home £23.99 richer. I met my dad on the bus and we chatted and got home to shopping gate. Basically Mum didn't check the order and it turns out not all of it was delivered. (It's all good now). Then I just watched tv with them eating pizza, and then updated this. 
See you in the 'morrow!

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