Monday 13 April 2015

Life Starts Here.

After the idiotic time waste of the Easter Holidays (and my birthday being tomorrow) I have done a lot of thinking and have decided I need to get a lottle serious (it's like a little but a lot). So these are just my thoughts on things I have started to seriously consider and things I need to start seriously considering. 

Revision- I need to do well, because I hate failing, as I feel stupid and then get low in confidence. That shall be my motivation. I have had a revision plan for months but have never really used it, but today I shall start and I WILL STICK TO IT! There is going to be no more lounging around because that is just wasting time and doing nothing for my future. I can lounge around when I am old and grey. 

Jobs- Currently I have a part time job, which is a good start because I am currently earning money, and when I leave 6th form I could go full time until I find something more long term. What that is exactly I am not sure. But there are some opportunities heading my way. For example I have an interview next week for an Apprenticeship in a career path I love. So I need to show I am serious and committed to this so I can get it. It is important to try and work somewhere you at least like because if not you are just wasting your life. Since there is only 66 days until my last exam I need to have a serious look at what I am going to be doing for the next 40 odd years. 

Moving Out- Ideally I want to move out by next year. Which means I need money and a solid plan of where I will live. This might depend on where I work which is why I am a little skeptical about some places, but mainly the city area is where I wish to be, because it just seems easier from there. I have been a lot better with money recently which is going to help this plan, so I have made a good start. 

Getting Tested- Now that I am pretty much 18, I can finally get tested for Huntington's disease. So I need to start thinking about how much I want to and prepare for the counselling stage and get all of that stuff organised. I only really have one thing that gives me doubts about being tested but I guess I can talk that through with a specialist. This probably wont start until I have finished my exams, because I don't want to miss school or it to get in the way, but I need to start seriously talking to myself and those around me about what would be the best decision. 

That is probably it for today's post. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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