Friday 21 November 2014

Work Worries

So you may or may not know, but I have finally gotten a part-time job. Yay the struggle is over. Well not entirely, there are some problems with some paperwork, but it should be fine. Apart from the being terrified of getting everything wrong and then getting fired for it. 

My first shift is tomorrow and I'm bugging out, and not just because I have to be up at 7 to start work at 9. I am not looking forward to being trained as I am just scared I will still mess everything up. Plus Saturday's are going to be really busy and I am afraid I wont be able to hear people properly and I'm going to get super tired and feel ugh. 

But then again I am excited to work. I could make some new friends,earn some money and gain some experience. I think it will be fun once I get used to it, but right now I am freaking! Let's pray that it shall all be good. I don't even know where to go when I get there? Like what do I do? How do I clock in? Will they complain that my uniform may or may not be covered in cat fur? How do people do this? 


You will be fine. 

I hope so. I'll just go in there, be myself, but less of a scared mess. Now I am sorry this was a short little post, but I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow and I will probably need a lot of sleep for it. So wish me luck! 

See you in the 'morrow!
Well Sunday, if I survive.

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