Friday 7 November 2014

Facebook Posts

You may or may not remember a while ago, I showed some old tweets of mine. Well I decided to reminisce some more, and looked back at old facebook posts. This again will probably be another mini series following alongside the twitter ones. 

 What a lovely starting post. I clearly took a quiz to find out when I am going to die, after Hal took one and it must have shown I would out live her. I seem so nice.
 A lot of these seem to be about Yoville. Hi, so imaginative. 
 I can probably say without doubt the person I am probably talking to is no longer my friend. Sad to think of that really. 
 Ugh why couldn't I have been more specific?! I am so intrigued by this whole big "luv" thing. Also I am very irritated by my grammar. 
 Apparently I was as random then as I am now. WOOOOOOOOOP!
 Was I high when I wrote this? UGH UGH I used lol. Someone go back in time and slap me round the face. 
 Yet more Yoville. I think I had a serious problem 5 years ago.
Awww I was craving someone's attention :') however I put 2 instead of two. I'm happy that I have matured away from this in the years that have passed. 
 Wow that duckface. 
Wow that word I created.
Let's bring smexey back. 
Oh Halloween. I spoke about this pic before. You can read about it here.

Now this is just a bunch of emoticons.

 Help what Elli? Your lack of the correct use of the English Language?
Apparently I love you. This is probably true. Probably. 
 Why is my mind confused? What is happening? Why couldn't I give more details about my life!?

See why am I now sad? Does it have anything to do with the next post? Cause I would be pretty sad about that.

Oh but it's ok now because apparently he returned. Also that spelling of officially. 12 year old me was precious. 
Yet more YoVille.
Apparently, I was lucky in love. From what I recall I assume this is about my relationship with Jonny. Well past me you were wrong! You are lucky now though. Cringe.
Why did I need to find out my exact age?

I guess that should do for my first little Facebook installment. Stick around for some more cringey 12 year old me, then find out if I get better with age.

See you in the 'morrow!

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