Monday 24 November 2014

I'm A Working Girl Now

Hey, so before we get onto what this post is going to be about. I am sorry for not posting yesterday, but I was like mid post and just fell asleep and before I knew it, it was 4 in the morning. Not a lot I can do there. So I'll just leave it for the Sunday coming up. I bet no-one really cares anyway. 

So my thoughts for today are work based. As I started work on Saturday. I had to be up early, which I did not enjoy. However I was excited/nervous for the day ahead. I was sat in the office for the first hourish after getting changed into the uniform. Then I was put on drinks, and made them all day. In the morning was hot drinks, so coffees, teas, and the other variations. Then it was fizzy drinks. Where it was ok at first and I had a system. But then it got hectic around lunch and I just lost control. Like I prepared a lot of drink, then I went to go refill ice and they were all gone. Ugh. But being kept busy was more fun that sitting in the office. And I didn't make that many mistakes. In between this I had a break where I was meeting some fellow employees and getting to know more about the place. And yeah I finished at 3. 

Then I returned the next day, where I spent more hours in the office, and was a runner (I know, me running) for my trainee. So basically she took orders, I collected them. And she said I was good I just needed to improve on timing, and when it was quieter she showed me a few till things. Then we did a bit more general training and she showed me some safety things around the store, and to end the day I did a bit of cleaning. During my break on this day I was being involved in some awkward conversations. Wasn't fun. 

But yeah, I am enjoying work thus far. They all seem nice, and I think I am going to have fun. Not quite sure how to deal with the whole me being a vegetarian thing yet, but hopefully I never have to be involved with anything like that. I can just serve people and clean. On the bright side, I am getting money. So time to spend a little and save a lot. I have a big future ahead of me. Unless I get hit by a bus tomorrow. 

That's a lovely way to end this post. 

See you in the 'morrow! 

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