Tuesday 25 November 2014

This Week, That Week, What's The Difference?

Wednesday 19th: Early rise, and on the bus, with my dad, and no Emma. Wasn't the best of starts. But then I walked to school and encountered the awkward silence of the common room. Then I had double biology, where we learnt about respiration and then it was private study and conference where we didn't really have conference. Then Jessie and I went to mentor and spent ages talking about our future plans. Then lunch and then in media we were analysing Lollipop chainsaw which was rather amusing. Some people in our class were outraged by how the girl is portrayed.Then it was the late bus which I don't remember.

Thursday 20th: Got a nice lay in, did some vlogging, walked into school and it was private study, where I got notes for psychology, then it was lunch which I don't remember, then psychology where we learnt about stuff and more private study where I was not in the mood to work so just watched cinemasins. Don't really remember this day.

Friday 21st: Early start, with some chat in the common room about graphics and other things. Then Biology where we watched a video about population, and there was this family who saved their money for 2 years to be able to afford a bike, and that made me feel sad. Following this was break which I don't remember, then Media where we watched trailers for mean girls and she's the man and now I just want to watch those films. We also examined the look Miss Miah gave Champs when he said he was behind on the lesson plan. She was saying it was fine, but it had a hint of I want to kill you. 

Saturday 22nd: I had to wake up at 7am I felt like Rebecca Black but it being Saturday and not Friday. However on Friday I did wake up at 7am and I did gotta catch my bus. But anywho I had to be ups early to catch my bus to go to work. Which you read about yesterday, if not go read that one. 

Sunday 23rd: More work and today I annoyingly had to wait ages in the city because stupid Sunday buses. But I went to see Aims at work and we had nice chats about work and I watched her make an ice cream and everything. Then finally I left and again you can read about the work side of things in the post I made yesterday. Then I went home and watched youtubes and stuff.

Monday 24th: My day off where I sorted some things out and watched tv, then started thinking about some things and got upset, which lead to today. 

Tuesday 25th: Not a good start, as I was kind of crying, but I had some people to talk to and make me feel better, when I was allowed to sit out of class. There was some weird conversations about leaving for uni, and not getting into relationship with people who has the same name as a family member or pet. It was nice, then lunch where there was some snapchat pictures, the book of life and more things. Then it was psychology which was so boring. Then home on the late bus where we were talking about injecting apples into your bloodstream.

See you in the 'morrow!

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