Wednesday 5 November 2014

Half Term, A New Beginning, and More!

Hello there! So if you are keeping tabs on me you would have noticed that I did not post yesterday. The thing was that I had the tab open to finish writing about Tuesday and was going to do all the formatting shiz. But I just had one of those, I really don't want to do anything moment. Do you get that? When you just want to lay there and not do a single thing. So I gave in to this, and you are going to have to deal without a vlog today. So yeah, this was my week. 

Wednesday 29th: I  managed to burn my arm on the hallogen oven my mum was using at the time. Which stung like a bitch for the rest of the day. 

Thursday 30th: Nothing really happened.
Friday 31st: Halloween. Most of this night was talked about in the previous post so you can just go read about it there if you haven't already. 

Saturday 1st: A new month, and heading closer to the scary winter time. Yet the weather was really warm, and the sky had little clouds, it was more like summer than mid autumn. I did very little for most of this day. Spent the morning t eating nesquick watching youtube and chatting to Hal on the phone
Sunday 2nd: The day of rest. Where I felt like shit for certain reasons, so I tried doing work but gave up because I just could not be motivated for it. So I pretty much watched youtube all day, and blogged and looked for jobs, stuff like that, things where I didn't physically have to do much. I probably should have done some work, but my attitude towards it has dropped significantly and I'm not sure anymore. 

Monday 3rd: Early start, because I was back at 6th form. Yay! I got a text message in the morning informing me I have an email. Attached to this was good news. I may finally have a part time job. YAY! I told everyone and they seemed pretty excited. For our first lesson our teacher wasn't there and our class kind of split, so it was just me and Jessie chatting in the classroom. Then it was more media studies, and break and then psychology which is just becoming so ugh and then I stayed for lunch because people persuaded me to, and then I went home. I'm sorry I cannot remember more of this day. 

Tuesday 4th: I got a lay in today, YAY! I use yay too much. Anywho I went in for double private study where I finished my psychology and my media work and decided to get ahead on some notes. Then it was lunch and it was hilarious we were talking about the anatomically correctness of Giancarlo's naked elf drawing and Jessie saw it and would not stop laughing, and then we all got into this weird conversation about sizes. After this was psychology, and she noticed how much I hate her teaching methods, and asked me if I want to change it.  I do but I don't want it to be an issue. Then I was on the late bus with Emily discussing things and making a new snapchat friend. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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