Wednesday 26 November 2014

Happy Birthday Granddad

Hello. I know today is my video day, but I am afraid that is not going to happen. It is not because I am too lazy to make a video and edit it and upload it. It is because instead I wish to just briefly talk about something else. Well someone else. My granddad. As today would have been his birthday. 

It's been weird without my Granddad, and I'm still not fully used to it, because unfortunately I did not spent that much time with him, so usually when I am round my Nanny's we all sit in the kitchen like usual and I just pretend he's in his chair watching the telly in the living room.It's just weird when I walk in there and he isn't there, to make jokes about my life, and just constantly change the channel,and to randomly shut the door for no real reason. The little things you miss. I regret not spending that much time with him, because all I have left is a handful of memories, a couple of pictures, and his mickey mouse key ring. 

When he was ill it was kind of horrible to see him change like that. He got so thin in the face and he was pretty weak. Yet he still tried to walk around the house and make tea and do things for himself. And even though he was...well...dying, his first thoughts were always about my Nanny, and if she'd be ok. I loved that about him. 

There isn't that much left to say, because it might make me all sad, and I'm not sure he'd want that. But let's just have a moment to think about your family and spend as much time with them as you can, you miss it. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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