Tuesday 11 November 2014

A Week To Remember

Wednesday 5th: My only full day at 6th form. I remember walking to school with Harvey in the cold and he found change in the coffee machine someone had forgotten to take. And we sat in the common room, while I revised for biology test I had first, and everyone walked in all cold and wet because it had started raining. Then it stopped as I walked to biology. The test was ok, and I think I got a reasonable grade from it, but I was really tired today as for some reason I woke up at 4:30 and stayed awake. But then it was break where the common room was too crowded so I went into the study center. Then I had study so I did some Media work, before...pointless conference! In conference today, we watched someone's EPQ presentation (that was half an hours worth of work I could be doing gone) Then we had a talk about world war one, because of remembrance day. And I bought this poppy bracelet, but at lunch I gave it to Megan because her sisters didn't get one for her and I felt bad. I know I'm such a good person :P Then there was more things which I don't remember. (There was group mentoring before lunch, where we filled out a sheet of what went well in the first half term, I ran out of things so just said the fact I was still here was good). Then it was  double media where we were working on coursework, which was a little boring. Then the late bus home with Amy where we had random chats about things.

Thursday 6th: I got a really nice lay in, and managed to watch The Strain and shower and get ready for school on time. First I had private study where I did some retake stuff, then it was lunch which I do not remember for the life of me. Following this was psychology, where I didn't do the set work, and instead did more retake things. Then it was yet more private study, where I was singing Disney songs.Then headed back to school for there was an open evening, and found a Siobhan and Giancarlo who told us the room was locked and we found a Hannah who got us help but we could find all the stuff, but we waited for pizza, and nothing so the group split to do different things, and I decided to wait for pizza as well as take on the role of door opener. Then still the promised pizza by our psychology teacher did not arrive. And neither had our psychology teacher, so we were all a little panicked. But she arrived, we got our pizza, and the open evening began with a slow start. I held some rats, spoke to a girl about her hello kitty trainers, and spoke to Mr Galley about The IT Crowd before going home and eating some pasta. 

Friday 7th: I was so tired, and not in the best of moods. But I went to school and sat through two hours of biology where we gave our presentations on limiting factors of photosynthesis, which I had completely forgot about. Then break, which I never remember, and media where we were doing more coursework. Then I got to go home, yay! Where I watched some tv and thought about taking a nap. But instead watched youtube and blogged and then got into this thing which I don't want to talk about but it messed me up. 

Saturday 8th: I went to go see my Nanny and we had some chips which were so good and we all got in a group call with Hal for like an hour telling her how we missed her and just general chitchatter. Then I went home and watched some youtubes.

Sunday 9th: Just basically slept for the day.

Monday 10th: My day off. Today I went out for a birthday meal for my grandad. We went to the castle carvey and we all obviously had a carvery (I had the veggie option) and we had a nice time chatting about family and jobs and things. And it was nice, and I then went home and did some vlogging. Which you can enjoy in later weeks. Then around 7ish I started to get this pain/lump thing in my throat and my ear hurt and then I just got really hot and faint. and I had no idea what happened, and it stayed like that for the night, so I had trouble sleeping. 

Tuesday 11th: Remembrance day. This morning I felt terrible. I think I have the ElPlague. Tell your friends, be very aware. The ElPlague is coming for you. So I took the day off school, did some work, watched some tv, had the moments silence (might have been a little late as my clock decided to stop but I guess I still had that moment. I got my bank card activated today, and I found out when my welcome meeting at my possible job is, so it was pretty good. Then I watched youtubes and played sims.I am feeling a little better, it comes and goes. So I guess I will just see how I feel in the morning for if I go to school. Ok after formatting this I have gotten worse. WHY?!

See you in the 'morrow!

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