Monday 3 November 2014

My Halloween

So unless some of you have been in hiding for the last week, you'd know that Friday was Halloween. And I celebrated this occasion with my friends at a Halloween party. I'm going to talk about what I did and my thoughts on the whole thing, because obviously this is my day for sharing my thoughts. 

I went to Jassums at like 1 where we sorted out my wig, for my costume and chatted and stuff before Giancarlo and Connor appeared. And we watched youtube videos before heading over to Eddie's to blow up a tonne of balloons. Then Giancarlo got a message from the little dick (Scott for those who wish to know his name) and he and Connor went to go meet up with him, so Jessie and I used this as an excuse to put on our costumes. I was Buttercup from the powerpuff girls and Jessie was a moustached banana. We got back to Eddie's had a bit to drink and then Giancarlo and Connor returned. Then we waited for the others to turn up with a game of uno. First was Lish and Paige, which I had to go outside to meet them, and I forgot to put on my shoes. 

So after another game of uno we found out George wasn't coming, which made me kinda sad as I would have liked to catch up with him. But oh well, so people drunk, there was the destruction of the pumpkin, eating of popcorn, and trying to avoid contact with the balloons. Then we all headed to sloughbottom park and Paige and I had a really nice catch up then a few of us went to Spa park before Lish and Paige went home. Then I decided to go home because I wasn't feeling so great and so just left. 

I'm not really sure why I didn't feel great, I just wasn't in the mood to party anymore and just wanted to sleep in my own bed. In all honesty I don't think Eddie parties are what they used to be, and I feel now they are just trying to hard to be something better but it's not going to happen. And part of me thinks there is this whole other thing related to last year but yeah I just felt really tired and shitty. 

But all this got me thinking. Some things are just so hyped up that something gets ruined. Like Eddie parties, they were so great and then the more we hyped about how awesome they were the less good they got. And now I don't really want to go to another one because I just end up feeling crappy from the lack of sleep. Also Halloween isn't what it used to be for me, I just don't care about it anymore, and there seems to be less and less trick or treaters and people making the effort. Does this has something to do with us getting older, or what?

See you in the 'morrow!

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