Friday 14 November 2014


Back in my old room, I used to use my tv as a light source. This meant I watched a lot of random tv. And on one channel MTV I found a show called Awkward. It was the first ever episode which was good, however I missed the first half of it. And decided to (after watching the first two episodes on tv) watch the bit I missed on the internet.

However like most things you watch on the internet, I binged watched it. I somehow managed to get through the first season and a bit before I was caught up with where it was in America (where it is made). This made me sad. Because when I am really into a program I hate waiting, and it had gotten to kind of an interesting bit. But it was ok cause I just caught up weekly.

Then I had to wait for like ever until the next season came out, and I got so ragey at that one because I did not like Jenna being with that guy because she should be with Matty. I love those tv shows where you get slightly passionate about it. However when you get too passionate you get fan-girly, then extreme fan-girl and that is never good. No offence extreme fan-girls, but you have to admit some of your fan-arts and fan-fictions go a little to far. 

But yeah Awkward. It's about this teenager Jenna who just essentially gets herself into these awkward situations, for example people thinking she attempted suicide even though it wasn't anything like that. And yeah you should watch it. She used to (not so much anymore) blogs herself, and it used to be this very important part to the show, and when I first saw it, it made me want to start blogging, so I guess that is why I do this, finding Lish's post just gave me the push. 

Anywho... sorry this hasn't been that great a post, but I have been ills, so give me some credit. 

See you in the 'morrow!
(or Sunday for gametime!) 

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