Tuesday 18 November 2014

Boring Week, Busy Weekend

Wednesday 12th: I woke up feeling ugh, and spent most of the day being ugh. I did a bit of work and watched TV and tried to feel better, and I kind of did, but no. So I distracted myself with sims. It was nice to play sims again. Mum then got me to try some different tablets to make me feel better. I almost chocked on one. It was not a pleasant experience. 

Thursday 13th: Still ill. I'm starting to get bored just sitting at home, but I physically wont be able to make it to school. So I basically did the same as yesterday. There is still no real sign of getting better. There are moments, but then the next minute it all just comes back again and I feel like a zombie. :'( I miss everyone at school. 

Friday 14th: More illness, more nothing. Yep my week was pretty boring. Don't get to excited by the post. 

Saturday 15th: I left the house!!!! YAY! I am finally alive. I was a little better but not completely myself. I left to go to my nanny's and the family had lots of chats and we had some chips, and it twas nice. Then I went home and warmed up from the cold, because I was freezing, which wasn't helping my sniffles I gained. 

Sunday 16th: I had to be ups early to get ready and ensure I had all my stuff before I caught the last bus out of Horsford. At 10:14. I hate buses on a Sunday. Anywho, I made my way to Jasstophers and we hung out for a bit, she made me tea and bread and butter. It was dorbs. Then I watched her try to put stockings on her cat, which made the cat walk hilariously. Then we played some GTA and I was a police train and Jessie wouldn't let me safely deliver some coke a cola.and it was kind of sad. But funny. Then I had to leave to go to a welcome meeting. I was made to sit on a table with some guys, and felt awkward being the only girl and they were all telling me I looked like someone they knew. Then the meeting started late and I learnt some things and found out I haven't been receiving emails I am meant to have got, and I know when my first shift is yay! Then I went home called Hal and slept. 

Monday 17th: I returned to school. Finally. However it felt weird being back. But I got an hour off because our teacher couldn't teach us. But then for my next lesson I had a major coughing fit which wasn't nice, then I saw everyone again, which was nice. Then it was psychology which was ok.. and then a it was lunch where I gave Jessie a lap dance and then went home. At home I sent Maddy a lot of snapchats. And Sleep.

Tuesday 18th: A lay in yay! But I woke up with half an hour to get ready, but I managed to do it, as well as taking a really quick shower yay! But the bus was late. But I got to school saw some peeps, went to private study failed a test, spoke to Amy about stuff, then it was lunch where we went on a chip shop adventure, and then I felt like a child that is made to entertain themselves whilst their parent and friends chat. Then it was psychology and a different late bus journey home, where I mainly complained about the new late bus. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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