Monday 17 November 2014

All Grown Up

Unfortunately I am not going to talk about the Rugrats spin off, even though that was such a good show! No, instead I am going to talk about how I feel I have had some growing up to do and how weird I think this all is. Mainly because of how ready  I was to grow up as a child but now it's too scary.

So recently, I have had to think a lot about the future. Like I got a part time job, so now I can bring in my own money, and I got a bank account to store said money. But the problems with this is I'm not ready for it. Yeah I am so happy with the fact I have a job, but is the money I am going to get going to be enough for me to have my goal of moving out next year. However I just went and did the maths. I know I did maths. Making rough estimates of how much I could earn, and it seems like a reasonable amount for a start up place. 

But yeah, thinking about growing up scares me. There are so many things I have no idea how they work. I don't understand banking! I get scared of using card machines and because of this I get scared people will think I am shifty. And I don't know anything about phone contracts, or tv licences or broadband. And I need to know this stuff if I want money a phone, a tv, and wifi. Don't even get me started on taxes, and bills, and insurance. This is the kind of thing they should teach you in school. This is the kind of thing they should tell me in pointless conference. Because then maybe it wouldn't be so pointless. 

Growing up is scary. But at the same time, I want to. Because I want to know what it's like to earn my own money, and live on my own, and be careful with said money, and start a family and all that shiz that comes with being a grown up. But life ain't that simple. And I wish I knew that as a kid. And I wish I spent my time as a child wanting to be a child instead of wanting to be older. Cause it kind of sucks in terms of more things worry you. 

Ah yes and that other problem of growing up. Important decisions. Like the one on my 18th. But that dilemma can be for another day. Too tired now. 

Does anyone else have the All Grown Up theme tune in their head? No? Just me? Ok then...

See you in the 'morrow!
All grown up, I really want to shout it out, all grown up, I want the world to know!

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