the game is to protect your hexagon empire from these four other kingdoms, with pun-based names, and you have to destroy theirs to win.
So when I first started playing I wasn't very good and I would instantly die. And I guess that still continues to happen. But there was this one time I managed to win, after 172 moves of what I call the defense and sneak attack. Basically while the other computer characters are busy trying to kill each other you build up a great
defense, covering your tiny island, and then after a while just move step by step closer to the final team and kill them.
For this blog I played again to get pictures to show you what it is about, basically you chose a kingdom and you take it in turn to move your men to take over the other kingdoms and when you take over capitals and the other kingdoms you gain more men to help destroy the remaining kingdoms for victory. You can
also sign a pact, which can be refused, and give a speech, or you can give up. Honestly not a massive fan of the game. And it's not just because I am bad at it, it's because I get bored by it very easily. So yeah, here are some images.

See you in the 'morrow!