Tuesday 13 January 2015

Yum Intensifies

Wednesday 7th:  Early morning, but with my new phone! Walked to school  and then proceeded to take some random pictures before heading to biology, where we learnt more about genetics. Then it was break and I don't remember much, and then twas private study with Jass, Siobhan and such and I did some psychology work, before it was time for pointless conference. This week filling out a survey/watching videos on stress. Then it was group mentor which lasted like 5 minutes. And lunch which I don't really remember. Ending the day with some media studies, talking about coursework, then waiting like 40 minutes for a bus. At home I did the usual Elli thing.

Thursday 8th: I was looking forward to psychology as it was our coffee morning (well I would have tea) However, when I arrived at school I found we had no teacher and were forced into F4 so no coffee for us. And we were given work we didn't understand. Ugh. Luckily for our second hour we all had coffee and tea and biscuits and my happiness was kind of restored. Then it was breaks and I don't remember anything, and then it was private study time, where I did some media work/make a revision timetable. Never finished it. Then I went homes and watched tv and stuff.

Friday 9th: I managed to get to school in time for my double private study, where I sat with Jess and Siobhan doing my media coursework, which was appreciated slightly by my teachers. Then it was break where I was taking pictures of everybody. So then Jass and I went to media, completing some work and were given improvements then it was lunch where we were talking about uni things. After this was biology which I love, we started our presentations and nobody really did any work, so we mainly gossiped. Then I got a lift home with Emma and we were talking about the new film into the woods and how we felt James Cordon didn't belong in the same cast as Johnny Depp and Anna Kendrick. Then when home I did the usual stuff. 

Saturday 10th: Woke up and got ready for work, it had been a while since I was last there. On the bus I realised I had forgotten my badge, and they didn't seem too bothered. They put me on till and it started off really quiet, and got a little busier. I am still making small mistakes though :/ They annoyingly put me on my break an hour into my shift, but I wasn't in the mood to argue, considering I do not want to do my shift next week as I cannot finish at the time they want me to. I also had the awkward moment of trying to open a bag of change and it all went flying everywhere. I had some fun conversations with fry guy though. Then I went to go see Amy at work but she wasn't there. 

Sunday 11th: I was looking forward to today as I was promised a Zaks meal with the family and the chance to see my nanny. But my parents were being a pain and we didn't get the Zaks meal :'( I was really craving one of their veggie burgers. But I got to see my nanny which was nice. Would have been better if my sister and dad didn't shout at me for no reason. But we had nice chats about various things before heading home, where I ate food and played sims, and started writing out this blog post because I forgot to draft it this week. But I guess I am up to date now, so I can leave the rest for tomorrow and the next day, but for you, you will read this in the same day. Fun. 

Monday 12th: Thanks to my wonderful media teachers we were allowed the morning off, so I got a nice lay in, and watched some tv before getting ready and going to school. It was break and I finally gave Jessie her xmas present which she loved and then I went to psychology where our teacher was actually in and we learnt about institutional aggression had some debates, then the winners forgot their prizes apart from me, I got Reeces peanut butter cups. YUM! Then I went for a meal with my grandparents and it was more yum, then I had a choc and nut sundae yum intensifies. We talked and ate then parted and I played sims and watched youtubes and everything else I do, when I am at home. 

Tuesday 13th: I got another lay in! Watched more tv and did all that such, then got to school for break and spoke briefly to people before going to private study to do some psychology work and have a good old bitch about the way our psychology lessons are scheduled. She improved in our psychology lesson hours later, it was like she heard us. But before psychology was lunch where I made a fun joke and we were gossiping about stuff and talking about my little pony. So yeah then it was psychology, not a lot happened. Then the late bus journey home where we were drawing on the windows which got pretty funny, and discussing more of our film. It's going to happen guys. Then I watched tv, did some work and finished writing this while watching youtube. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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