Friday 16 January 2015

More Rants About 6th Form.

Hey. So it is random Friday and what is more random than a rant? Well many things I guess, but I need a good little rant right now. And what do I need to rant about? 6th Form, as per usual. Simply because they make no sense. In AS you look at 6th form and love it, A2 not so much because you have finally got tired of their bullshit. 

The reason behind my rant today, is because of a letter I received yesterday, about my attendance. What pissed me off most was the fact that I have not had a day off 6th form since the 14th of November (unless I have timetabled days off) So I'm a bit like, why wait 2 months to have a meeting about it? I was pissed off, because they are probably going to put me on a study contract which essentially means you have to be in school more often to catch up with work, when I am up to date on work. Because I have had two whole fucking months.

This annoyance continues for today, I was sitting in Biology and Fran and I discussed how we both got these letters. Then the amazing Miss B looked at our attendance and said mine was 90.83% or something. You get letters when you are below 90. So technically I don't even need to go anymore! Adding to this, my meeting is on the 30th, so if I ensure I go in everyday, the percentage is only going to increase, and then the meeting will be pointless. My mum was funny though because she refuses to go to the attendance meeting. 

I'm not really sure what the meeting will be like, but they have scheduled it during a lesson and it's a bit like, well surely this is harming my studies more. So I am probably going to have this whole sarcastic attitude like, it's been over two months since my last absence, my attendance is above 90%, and I'm missing lessons right now,and I'm up to date on work, and just be a little bitch, but in more of a subtle way. But come on you have to admit they are being stupid. 

Honestly, I hope my 6th form are reading this, and know how stupid they are being. Sort yourselves out! Because the more you are dicks to us, the less we will want to show up, and get the grades that will make you look good. We all know that is what you care about. What grades we get and what Uni we go to. 

Aaaaaaannnnd....Rant over. 

That was nice. I feel much better now. I guess. Just wait until I have the meeting, and all hell will break loose. Imagine if they kicked me out...

See you in the 'morrow!

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