Wednesday 7 January 2015

I'm Having Twins!

Ha to all of you who thought this was going to be a pregnancy announcement. But I am not talking about real life. I am talking about Sims 4. The awesome game that is just awesome. The story behind this (that is obviously the entire content of this post) is because Hal and I decided to play sims together like Dan and Phil, by creating a character who was like us. So Halli Brown-Brown was born. And we let her loose in the sim world. And all Hal wanted to do was get her pregnant. 

So step one, find a man. We began with Cornelius Edmondson who lived next door, and used cheats to make him our friend. Then we cheated some romance points, but it wasn't enough, which we realised after we proposed and he rejected it. But then we decided to force him into our household, and then made him propose to Hallie and she of her own accord rejected this. Then Cornelius become mortified and died. It was pretty eventful. Then the next day we met Isaias, and we played it better with him and instantly got pregnant. 

We had Twin girls, Bonquisha and Lequifa. Then we instantly got pregnant again, and got engaged. Then we had twin boys, Sebastian and Cornelius, then instantly got pregnant again and had another set of twins. Two girls, Frey-Frey and Wafflecone. Then we wanted more children but had no room, so we aged up the kids and moved out Lequifa, Sebastian, Cornelius and Wafflecone. Keeping Frey-Frey and Bonquisha. Mainly because we wanted Bonquisha to get pregnant and give us a grandchild. 

So Hallie instantly got pregnant again, and then we introduced Bonquisha to Malcolm Landgraab and then she almost instantly got pregnant. And today when we played they gave birth and had yet more twins. Hallie had a boy and a girl. Bonita and Lemongrab. Then Bonquisha had two boys: Topitilla and Quacidilla. I think my sims just have twins. Is there a way to stop this?

But yeah that is my gaming post this week, hopefully I can do a video next week to alternate but if not expect something gamey or tag-like. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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