Friday 2 January 2015

Tasks for 2015 (Resolutions)

Happy New Year! Don't worry I will not do what I did last year and have a long ass post. Mainly because you have pretty much been with me the whole year, so know everything. Apart from the really bad times, but who wants to read about that? 

So Yesterday on the official changing of the year, I didn't post anything. But today I shall talk about what I wish to accomplish this year, considering my last post was about last year's resolutions so I feel like that is a nice logical flow. 

Task 1(yes I am going to call them tasks) - Same as last year, loose weight. Yep, I am still not happy with my appearance and this needs to change. I am not quite sure how I am going to accomplish this though, and I feel that this isn't going to be achieved. But the amount of stairs I climb at work I feel like that is enough exercise to at least alter something. I know it is the most cliche of tasks for new years resolutions, but it is something I just want to change in order to be comfortable with myself. 

Task 2 - Use money wisely. Finally I am actually getting some money in, but this means I should use it wisely, as I would like to move out in the next year or two. I am really want to emphasize the wise use because the amount I have spent in the past week alone is just ridiculous. However apart from buying people birthday presents, I have no need to spend money, so I just need to ensure I don't go crazy shopping. Hopefully I would like to keep my money to at most £10 a week. Out of all of them, I think this is the one I want to keep most. 

Task 3 - Make a future plan. Hopefully by the time 2016 rocks up, I have a steady plan of how I want the rest of my life to pretty much go. So what career I want, when I want to move out, when I would like kids and stuff. I know that sounds weird, but I feel if I think long term, I can be more motivated to do things, because my small tasks are nice and they mean less disappointment but I would like a basic plan. 

Task 4 - Get tested for HD. Finally in April I will be the age to get tested for the genetic disorder. For years, it has been bugging me that I have not been able to know if I will develop symptoms and if there is the possibility I could pass it on, and I just feel it would make my life a little bit easier if I knew. I am having a couple of doubts, because I am never sure on how my family feel about the whole thing, but I think at the end of the day, it is my choice, because it is my body and my life. So hopefully by the end of the year I will have my results. 

Task 5 - Do well in 6th form. I'm not going to aim so high as all A's or anything, but I would like to at least get respectable grades, that I am proud of. But I guess that means a lot more work that currently I am not really putting in. I guess in some way I am putting in the effort though. I just  would like grades to fall back on if I feel I want to study at uni, in order to become a mental health nurse or one of my various other career paths I have in mind. 

I guess I shall finish on 5 this year. There are probably a lot more things I should do, like spend more time with friends (mainly the ones I do not see much of) and read more, and be better at blogging, but I guess that can be side tasks. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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