Monday 19 January 2015

Stressed Season.

And the season is upon us. The season where I get stressed apparently. The fun little period of time when the moment I don't understand something I start crying, because I feel like an idiot and I do not have enough time to learn everything and become the master of it by mock exams, or even the real exams. Then I start thinking to myself about the point of life and then I just generally become depressed. 

Which is a shame because most of today was a good day, because I got to see some friends, some of whom I have not seen in a while. But then that has got me thinking about when 6th form ends and then it will be with pretty much everyone that I wont see them much. I'm not looking forward to that. 

I'm just full of worries and it sucks, so try not to piss me off because I am going to be vulnerable for the next couple of months. 

Sorry this post is so short but I have literally just spent the last couple of hours crying over the fact I couldn't complete a simple homework task because I couldn't understand it, and got into this whole thing about how I am a failure and there is no point in trying yadda yadda. 

Life is fun isn't it.

See you in the 'morrow!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Elli, most of us at sixth form are feeling this way right now. It is going to be stressful times for sure. I'm definitely not looking forward to it either, nor am I prepared for these mocks or the real exams. But at the end of the day, sixth form isn't the most important thing in life. Many people without A levels do better in life than people with A levels, but this isn't always true. You'll be ok, and you can only try your best. You can't do much more than that. They are just letters on a piece of paper anyway. You are not alone, trust me! We all just have to try and get through it together. Hope that made you feel slightly better and sorry for such a long comment! Xxx
