Wednesday 28 January 2015

Chat Rant: Celebrity Big Brother

So I have a video for you this week! Yay no more reading! Well that is not entirely true. Because one you probably will read this before watching the video, and two I shall be writing a bit after this. Why? Because in this video I am chat ranting about my hatred for a celebrity in the recent series of Big Brother. And since this show is on every night, between when I filmed it and when I posted more has happened, so I am going to give a little rantish chat update after the video (but watch the video first). So yeah, enjoy!

Ok so just to update you all, in last night's big brother Perez re-entered the house and was all like, you think I was bad before oh you just wait. And is all show talk as if he is going to kick off a storm. Also he was loving it in that little room of his bitching about everyone. Yet when he returned and was talking to Miss Emma Willis he started saying AGAIN about how he really wants to go home. BULLSHIT! We all know you really don't want to go home, you just bitch and wine to get attention and then when things go your way you don't care anymore. UGH! On a lighter note there was an online vote for whether he was given a pass to the final in a couple of weeks, or if he would be up for all future evictions. And luckily the British public being such good people we chose the future evictions one. So yay! Hopefully he is the next out of the house, because I seriously cannot stand him anymore.

So that is that, leave a comment if you have any opinions on this series of CBB, also let me know if you want to see more chat rants, and if there is a particular show or film that you want me to view and discuss. Communicate with me people. Let me know you exist! 

See you in the 'morrow!

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