Tuesday 20 January 2015

Stuff, CAH, and Stress.

Wednesday 14th: Going to school, then going to biology, learning about apoptosis, and how cool that is. Then having a small chat with my teacher about what I should do after 6th form. Then things I don't remember, like break, private study and pointless conference. Well I remember parts, like doing media work, and talking about immigration and shiz. Then Jass and I headed to Jessie's house (after detouring to ASDA) to take pictures for out media stuff. Then heading home and doing the usual stuff. 

Thursday 15th: I got a nice lay in before heading into school, where I had private study and made revision timetables, then lunch where we played Cards Against Humanity, a game I purchased. It was pretty funny, but so many people were playing it was hard to keep track. Then it was psychology which I don't remember and more private study before heading home on the late bus with people and chatting and stoof. Then home for the usual home shenanigans.

Friday 16th: Schoool where I went in just in time for biology, and we learnt about the nitrogen cycle. Then it was break and I printed off some things for media, and then Jessie and I played CAH for an hour (Maddy joined part way through) before heading to media and talking about coursework whilst completing more of it. Then it was lunch where we played CAH again and the fun continued, so much so I missed my time to leave so then thought I had to wait ages for a bus, luckily the one I thought I missed was late, so I just went straight home. Then I watched tv, like Bones SO SAD :'( And you can figure out the rest. 

Saturday 17th: I didn't have work this weekend so I just slept and chilled, and did some school stuff. 

Sunday 18th: I played a lot of Sims. 

Monday 19th: My scheduled day off. So I agreed to meet up with Amy (who had most of the day off) Lish and Claire. Which was great. We met up at the park around 11ish and then went to Claire's to play CAH because Amy is in love with the game. Claire and Lish also loved it too. We had fun chats about life as well as the gameplay. In the end Claire won, but I was only 1 point behind. Then Lish and I went to our separate homes and I chilled for a bit, did some school work, and if you read my post yesterday you would have known I got very stressed about it, which led to a lot of crazy shit happening. 

Tuesday 20th: Woke up feeling pretty crappy but managed to get into school on time. My morning crumpets helped a lot. At school I did some biology work, and chatted to people (they were all asking me if I had brought CAH, I had not) before heading to biology, where we did some mismatch of work and I made a stopmotion video about population graphs.Then it was lunch where people were taking pictures and chitchatting. Then the whole stress thing happened to people, and it got messy, but by that point it was time for psychology where we learnt about group display aggression (basically football rage) And we did mini tests which I did mostly well on, so it boosted my confidence a little. Then the late bus home with Aims, Emily, Harvey and Theo where we were mainly talking about the importance of apologizing which somehow led to me filling Emily in on the events of Halloween 2013, then we went on to discussing our movie. When home I didn't do much, apart from write this entire blog post, as I had forgotten about it all week. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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