Tuesday 6 January 2015

A Whole New Year!

Wednesday 31st: New years eve, and how do I spend my day, by sleeping.

Thursday 1st: A whole new yeeeeeeeear, a new year to probably fail at life! Beautiful rendition if I may say so myself. I think I played Sims. I'm not entirely sure what happened if I'm honest. 

Friday 2nd: I spent the whole day watching tv and playing my little pony. Should have done work thinking about it. But meh. It was my dad's birthday today, but he was at work as was my sister, so I decided to chill. Then he came home I gave him his card which he liked and then I don't remember anything. 

Saturday 3rd: I had developed a cold yesterday, and it had passed over to today and I was not feeling up for work, and I felt having someone coughing and sneezing whilst serving them wasn't very pleasant, so I called in sick. And my parents just moaned at me, but oh well. We then went to see my nanny for a bit and had chats before going home to watch some TV.

Sunday 4th: I did pretty much nothing, but I actually managed to do at least some schoolwork! YAY FOR ME! It made me realise I should have done a heck of a lot more, but oh well. I'll get over it. Then I read through old texts and ordered my new phone and not really much else. 

Monday 5th:  played the Sims with my sister which was hilarious as our joint sim seems to just keep having twins. Then we watched the new waterloo road together. Why is it on bbc3 now?? Then I blogged and watched more youtubes and yeah. 

Tuesday 6th: School today. Such Fun. I'm going to miss Miranda so much  :'( So today I got up got ready, and got to school, filled out a review of 6th form things with Amy, and then did some biology work, before it was break and not a lot happened aside from talking about films we haven't watched. Then it was time for biology and we went pond dipping and I found 3 newts. Then it was lunch where Jess and I made up some fantabulous new dance moves and freaked our friends out a little. Then I had double psychology where our teacher was absent so we all had a social time "doing work". Then I came home on the late bus getting jealous of Theo who has so much technology stuff which is awesome, and then got home ate food got me a new phone! and looked for cases online. Then blogged and yeah. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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