Tuesday 27 January 2015

A Weird Week

Wednesday 21st: I had an early start this morning. The first for a while. And I walked into school, in the cold. When at school I bought a hot chocolate but they only gave me half a cup which I wasn't too pleased about but to tired to complain about it. It was kinda nice though. Then I had double biology where we learnt more about meiosis and the different phases. Then it was break where we were mainly in the study center talking about hatfilms and A Very Potter Musical "Dumbledore, did you get my text?" Then it was private study where I updated my essay for my media coursework. Then time for pointless conference, where we talked about the Holocaust. People also judged me for my over enthusiastic clapping at my friends presentation. Then because my media teachers are nice we were allowed time off to do coursework stuff. But instead I took this opportunity to use my two for one Zaks voucher it was a delicious meal. And it snowed today for a bit. Bus was being a dick on the way home. But to make my media teachers proud I completed an hours worth of work to make up for the hour of lesson. Then I did the usual being at home thing. 

Thursday 22nd: I woke up kind of late enough, but early enough to make it to my first lesson on time. It was our tea morning in psychology, and it was nice, we started learning about Media Psychology, so I feel like with my media background I might not do too badly in this. Then it was break which was crazy as people were getting overexcited about tea. Then I went to private study and tried to do work, as well as printing off past papers. I sat in the common room with peeps most of the time as I tried to complete some biology work. However it was stressing me out a lot, and around the start of lunch I just cried in my favourite of the toilet cubicles. Amy and Maddy came looking for me. Then for most of lunch we were just sat talking, bitching, ranting, and stuff about pretty much everything. It made me feel better so I went to the commonderoom and then gradually I got more sad again, and I ended up being in school an extra 3 hours just because I was crying. Ali came to talk to me and tried to give me solutions to make me feel better, I kind of do but being at school doesn't help one of the main problems I am having. Then I went home and ate Pizza watched Bones (I'm still not ready for those feels) and just tried to do work before sleeping. By the way thank you to everyone who was there for me today It means a lot. 

Friday 23rd: Got into school in time for private study, where Ali asked me about yesterday and I told her it was ok, because it kind of was. I did some work during the two hours as well as chatting to Siobhan, Jess and Hayden briefly. Then it was lunch, which I don't really remember, but then Jessie, Harvey, Emma and I returned to private study for an hour, doing more work, and chatting again, before Jess and I went to an hour of media, where I found out I currently have 43/45 on my essay! And if I just complete the final corrections I can have full marks. So happy me! Then it was lunch where we were all playing CAH which was pretty funny. Then I had biology where Miss said she was proud of the work I had done and that I didn't need to worry about it. Then I went to see Emma for a bit met with Harvey and we traveled the bus home and I did my usual at home stuff. 

Saturday 24th: I actually went to work this week. OMC. But they haven't given me a shift for next week :/ that's why I'm starting to hate my job a little. And I had that mindset for the first couple of hours I was there. Like literally I was on drinks and barely said anything to anyone. But then I went on tills and I got chatting to my buds and I perked up a little bit. They didn't give me a break though and if I didn't say anything they probably weren't going to let me leave on time. But I managed to go. 

Sunday 25th: I actually had a good sleep today, for like the first time in ages. When I woke up I chatted to my parents, ate food then watched big brother. I also proceeded to buy a bunch of things off Amazon, none of which are for me. I like to consider myself a good person for that. But I have played a lot of sims today and did bits and bobs of work here and there, before watching youtubes and talking about my day in this very post.

Monday 26th: Today was a pretty short day, I woke up at like 8, didn't have to go into Media because are teachers are adorable, so ate crumpets and watched Celebrity Big Brother then had some serious conversations with my mum. Then I went to school and played an automaton for a bit, then went to psychology and watched clips from disney films whilst talking about a business idea where you cross a brothel with an IVF clinic to improve pregnancy rates. Then I stayed for a bit of lunch where we were talking about wedding cakes and don't tell the bride. Followed by walking to the bus stop. When I got home I ate some food, watched a little tv, and then made a vlog to go up on Wednesday, blogged, I then tidied my room a little, and then started my organised plan by doing some biology unit 2 retake revision and then watched some youtubes, whilst doing some Media work, before sleeping. 

Tuesday 27th: OMG Hal is 20. (it's my sisters birthday today) So anywho... I woke up and watched celebrity big brother and got very frustrated at that so decided to redo my vlog to include the further annoyance, and then I got ready for school. On the walk with Emily we were discussing how someone can have opinions on things that people cannot control. Which was rather interesting. Then it was break where I briefly spoke to people before heading to private study to complete my biology homework before chatting Nicole about psychology retakes and exams. Then it was lunch where we played cards against humanity again, because we all love that game. Then it was psychology where we talked about video games and facebook leading to anti-social behaviour, and other negative effects. Also watching a documentary about the Columbine massacre which led to a lot of conversations on what we would do in that situation. This continued onto the late bus, before we started talking about other things. Then when I was home I watched some tv, spoke to Hal for a spell and then did some revision and then watched youtube and blogged. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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