Friday 29 August 2014

My Hair Dye Adventure

I am very sorry. My final promise has been broken. So unfortunately you will not view 50 things in my bedroom this week, but we shall see what the future holds! For now I will talk about hair dye. Why? because today I dyed my hair. 
Here's a before:

Here's an after:

You can't see it very well because the lighting isn't that great, but the colour has turned from a light brown/red to a very dark purple/red. Red is still a common theme. As per usual my hair does not turn out the same way the box said it should, but I'm not too bothered, cause it usually fades into a nice colour in a week or two. But for now I have this dark hair, which my take me a day or two to get used to, and random purple blotches on my forehead which look a little like bruises. 

As that alone doesn't make a good enough post for my liking I shall show you some pics of my hair throughout the years, and the colours it has been. So yeah...Let's cringe at these photos together. 

Let's start with baby me, where I had this very dark hair.
Then randomly around the age of two my hair became this kind of very light brown.
Then it settled for being a kind of medium brown,
 and stayed this way up until October 2008.
The beginning of the blonde streaks (very subtle at first) 
Then it became a bit more pizazzy (I actually like this photo)
Then I got fed up with being blonde and dyed my hair brown.
I kept dying it darker browns each time, and it almost looks black.
And now we reach my dark red phase. This varied from time to time for a year.
It looked best when it was faded.
Then I went for the dark pinkish look,
Which faded into this. 
And then ended up to how it was before I dyed it today. 
So I hope you enjoyed those "beautiful" pictures of me, and enjoyed the beautifulness of my hair over the 17 years of my life. maybe I can come back in another 17 years to show you how my hair changes over time. Until then...

See you in the 'morrow! 
I mean on Monday...

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