Friday 22 August 2014

Future Blog Content!

Hello! I only just realised that tomorrow (well for you guys today) I have a busy day ahead and will have no time to blog. Originally I thought it would be fine and I can post about my day, but then I realised wait I will not be home until midnight so I will not find the time to do this. So I have to do something else really. But what? ARG COMPLICATED LIFE! 

I guess I will just talk about random nonsense about the future, and upcoming blogs and stuff, cause why not? Lets give you things to look forward to instead of just giving you it. Maybe also promising these things might mean I will actually provide them in the future. So here are some of my ideas for blog content for the next week or so:

Copy Maddy's Idea for 60 things in my room tag- The other day I thought about this a lot and even made a list of things in my room I can include. However no matter how hard I tried I cannot come up with 60 things so you may have to settle for 50. Obviously you will not get this until I actually film the thing, so that alone may take time cause I'll have to film, edit and upload. 

Sims 4 Custom Content- So today on the tinterwebs, I found some really cool custom content that you can download for your own S4CAS. So I downloaded a few things and am going to try them out and show them to you wonderful people. I also found this modlet where you can kind of create your own style, and saw a video where this guy created a super cute TFIOS tank top, and I thought THIS IS MY CHANCE TO GET A CHECKED SHIRT! So this weekend I am probably going to have a play with that and some point next week show you images of my pieces. Unless they completely fail. 

What I did today- Like I said today is a busy day so I will probably have some things to tell you, but obviously cannot tell you today. And since I don't blog on the weekends, you will have to wait until Monday. And that is my only definite date set. On Monday I will probably write about what I did over the weekend as well as what I did on Friday and maybe even what I did on Monday so that it makes a little more sense. 

So far that is all I really have planned.  Now I feel stressed cause I have to try and complete all these. AAAG! Let's hope I can do this. Anywho I hope that has fulfilled your weirdness need for now. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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