Wednesday 13 August 2014

Cast Your Minds Back....

My post yesterday states that I started this but couldn't finish it (it's always bad when that happens ;) ) But yeah I cannot be bothered to edit it to make logical sense so just cast your minds to think you are reading this on the day it actually happened. 

"Hi, so today I socialised. Whoa shocking :O And we celebrated Amy's birthday today (even though it isn't her birthday yet). But yeah I met Emma and Emily on the bus and we were talking about when people come to our houses and things like that and then we weren't confident in where we were going but got there in the end, and met Amy, Paige, Siobhan, Giancarlo and Connor where we needed to be, and then shortly after Maddy arrived.

So we waited around a bit to get on this boat, which I wasn't that thrilled about because I don't really like boats cause I don't get how they float, but it wasn't like a cruise ship or anything so I kind of dealt with it. However I wasn't too pleased about the bridge leading to the boat as it wobbled and I struggle walking over other kinds of bridges that are much safer. Anywho... We were on the boat and honestly it was rather boring in itself, if I wasn't with my friends I would have thought it was a waste of money. But it was different and nice I guess. 

So we gots off the boat at Riverside and went to Pizza hut and waited for Claire I don't really remember much of what happened while we waited, it was so long ago. But Claire turned up while others went to get food. `So we at foods and drank drinks and I changed seats a lot because and I quote "I want to experience people from different angles" as if we were having some kind of orgy. 

We were there for what felt like hours, of taking pictures, and drink sabotage, and spider murders. So then we stood outside and watched as our balloons attacked each other, and Connor's balloon flee for freedom. Then Amy and Paige parted ways as the rest of us went into the city. We went to the food court and chatted about first kisses and things and everyone made a plan for Connor and Emma to go on a date, which I thought was kinda mean. Then Connor went to go see a film on his own which was a little sad but hey he can do as he pleases. 

So the rest of us walked around the city going in H&M and Shake and such. Then we waited at the bus stop for peoples buses. First to leave was Giancarlo, then Emma, Emily and Claire, and then Siobhan and Maddy split off from me, then I did a bit of shopping and spent ages deciding things that the people were waiting for me to leave so they could close."

Then as you know got extremely distracted and tired so I could not finish this yesterday. Anywho....

See you in the 'morrow!

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