Monday 11 August 2014

50 Favourites

Hello! Today I went to the beach with the family and there isn't much to report, and I am feeling pretty lazy, so here is a tag. I found this via Maddy a while ago and it is just a list of 50 of my favourite things essentially. 

1. Memory- I can't remember exactly when this was, but it was back when my mum was in hospital, and my Nannie would come pick me up from school and walk me home. We would play this game that we had to walk as fast as car speed signs (obviously pretending it was a different scale for walking speed) and when we passed the ones that flashed when a car was going to fast we would then do this slow motion walking because we were going to fast.
2. Thing about yourself- I hate most things about myself. But I love my weirdness. 
3. Place- I don't really have a favourite place. I guess teletubbie land. 
4. Flower- The Calla Lily. 
5. Precious Stone- Agate Geode. I have a lot of it in my house and it is so pretty.
6. Animal- KITTEH!
7. Person- Oh some feelings can get hurt with this one. Going to leave it blank for I don't really have a favourite as many people are very important to me. Equally.
8. Celebrity- Hmm...So many... Does Pewdiepie count? 
9. Historical Figure- Probably Mary Seacole.
10. Eye Colour- I don't really have a favourite. Blue??
11. Boy's Name- Toby (or TOBEH!)
12. Girl's Name- Dylan. (it can be a girls name too!)
13. Word- Waffle
14. Letter- Q
15. Language- Japanese
16. Font- Cherry (should be the one my blog name is written in)
17. Quote- "Life is composed of lights and shadows, we would be untruthful, insincere and saccharine if we tried to pretend there were no shadows." - Walt Disney 
18. Insult- Sorry if the language offends anyone. I do not mean it towards you, and have never actually said it to anyone in a harmful way or heard others say it, but I made it so it has to be CuntWaffle.
19. Book- Everyday by David Levithan 
20. Movie- AAAH ummm.... Edward Scissorhands
21. Music Artist- Fall out boy.
22. Song- This changes A LOT. Currently It's not a side effect of Cocaine by FOB. 
23. Play- Don't really watch plays. Does Twisted count?
24. TV Show- Like really? SHERLOCK!
25. Video Game- Sims. All the way. SIMS!
26. Website- Sorry blogspot, but Youtube. 
27. Thing to do when bored- watch youtube.
28. Smell- Hair Dye.29. Sound- I don't really have a favourite sound. 
30. Texture- Umm... 
31. Class in School- Media Studies
32. Time of Day- Nighttime 
33. Day of the Week- Saturday
34. Month of the year- April
35. Season- Spring 

36. Time in History- I have no idea.
37. Meal of the Day- I only really eat one meal. So dinner.
38. Food- Nowadays it's pasta.
39. Drink- Coke
40. Fruit- Pineapple :P
41. Vegetable- Potato.
42. Dessert- Icey creme (Ice cream)
43. Candy- Maoam.
44. Ice Cream Flavour- You cannot go wrong with chocolate.
45. Popcorn Flavour- salted.
46. Jelly Bean Flavour- I don't really have one.

47. Restaurant- Nandos!
48. Store- Primark
49. Disney Princess- Ariel.
50. Fictional Character- Moriarty. 

So that was 50 favourites of mine. Ugh too tired to go back through and format. Ugh. But it has t be done I guess. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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