Sunday 3 August 2014

My Day Friday, and Vlog!

IT HAS ARRIVED! She says hoping her phone will work today so it can actually be posted. However I assume if you are reading this it means all is well. I made a bit of a mistake cause I should have prepped this another day before I added the videos and pics cause now I am left with the troubles of remembering what happens. Cause if you read my blog a lot you should know how bad my memory is. But here we go...

So my day started on the bus, and I sat with Claire, and we had a cute little catch up, and spoke about job interviews and things. We also questioned where Emma and Emily were, because they didn't get off the bus when we did. It turns out they didn't get that bus. And we arrived at the park in Hellesdon and only Connor was there. Great. Claire and I originally made a plan to sneak in without him noticing but then he spotted us and the plan failed. So the three of us sat there wondering where the others were and it was awkward. After this Emma and Emily arrived. This left Giancarlo but he took like an hour to show up because he forgot that it was even happening. 

While we waited we played a few games of Uno, which I think Emily kept winning. No friendships were broken I don't think. It was nice. Then we played this weird game which I have recorded for you. Can't remember what it's called. But you get 4 cards each with a letter on it, and you have to make a headline from it like in that part of mock the week. And you have the counter which tells you whether they can be in any order, or the order they came in. So enjoy this video:

During this Giancarlo arrived and we played a few more games, and then Claire and I made a trip to the shop spending ages deciding what to get everyone. Then it turns out we got Connor the wrong drink. Who the fuck cares? It cost you less Connor, we saved you money! Then we just sat around talking while Emma and Emily were going all acrobat which I sneakily took pictures off. Then Emma and Emily left, and we continued to sit around talking deciding to relocate to the swings and got annoyed cause kids kept going on the swings. Giancarlo left after that and it was just the four of us sitting on the swings talking about random things. Like if you switched Genders would you have sex just to see what it's like, and I have thought about it a lot since then. After this Connor was a dick and I left with Claire. 
Here are some pictures I have taken. Enjoy!

See you in the 'morrow!

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