Tuesday 5 August 2014


Hey, it has been a while since this has happened but it's relevant so what the heck. Today's post is going to be a review of a book I have just finished called Everyday by David Levithan. This has now become my all time favourite book (sorry Paper Towns by John Green) but I was just so hooked and it was different and great and I cried. Since I started it I was like I want to read more to find out what happens, but now it is over I want it all back, and I want to know more. That I feel is a sign of a good book. 

Everyday is a book about a (I'm going to go with spirit) called A, who wakes up in a different body everyday, and is never the same person twice. A cannot control who he becomes, and it tends to stay within a certain area unless during that day the person he possess travels a great distance, and that means A is restricted to that new area. Basically A has learned to deal with this life and not to interfere too much in the lives possessed and tries to act as though they would. However all of this changes when A becomes Justin and begins to fall in love with his girlfriend Rhiannon....

Ok so that is the basic plot point. If you wish to read this book I highly suggest it as it was just fabulous, and I think pretty much instantly I was hooked to it. So go read it! Unless it doesn't seem like your kind of book, which is fair enough. The next part of this I am going to talk about my feelings of some of the more detailed parts of the book, so you might want to leave to avoid spoilers. Just come back once you've read the book if you really care about my feelings towards it. 

WARNING: This post might reveal major plot points!

My first point about this amazing book was that it pretty much just jumped in to A being Justin. Which kind of shocked me because I thought the first chapter would spend more time getting the reader used to the whole A situation, but no we are pretty much jumping straight into the main plot point of A being Justin and meeting Rhiannon. By the way I know what you are probably thinking. Damn another book about love and relationships, but this is different. At first you might think it isn't, but trust me it is. 

Anywho so Levithan creates a cute little romance between Rhiannon and who she believes to be her boyfriend, as they skip school to go to the beach. But so you feel that A taking Rhiannon from Justin isn't a horrible thing, they make Justin seem like a really bad boyfriend. And they try to continue this plot point a lot to reassure you that When Rhiannon falls for A it isn't some massive betrayal. My favourite part of this is when A becomes this hot chick called Ashley and tries to seduce Justin. 

The book chapters are essentially the different days and the different people A becomes, and some are shorter than others because they was never really much detail about how they lived, which I liked because if I had to read in great detail about what A did in every person's body I would have gotten so bored, However when they did do little side trails I found them interesting, like when A became Kelsey a girl who wanted to commit suicide 6 days later and had planned it perfectly, and it spoke about how A just couldn't let her do this alone so told the father that she was thinking about killing herself and that they should get her help the next day, when the real Kelsey could benefit from it. And my all time favourite was how an adorable love story was told in a mere paragraph between these guys called Hugo and Austin. It was the cutest. 

So from the point A meets Rhiannon he tries everything so he can to meet her again, so when in a body that lives near her. A travels to her, without her realising it is actually the same "person" every time. However the truth starts to unveil when A is Nathan and Nathan believes he was possessed by the devil and becomes big news. I never really cared much for this part of the story, cause I don't really understand why it was needed. I guess it made the end a little more interesting, but at the beginning it just seemed a little pointless and unneeded to be a continued point of focus. Cause there is this crazy reverend guy who is then believed to be someone like A but uses the ability in the same body all the time and it's a little rushed and I got confused. But that might just be me. 

This is getting a little long so I am just going to skip to the part where I cried. Now to try and win back some dignity because I cried at a book, it was like 2 in the morning, I was kind of emotional because of something else, and I think the fact I didn't want the book to end may have factored into it. But anywho... So throughout the book I was all I think what is going to happen is A is going to wake up one day in a body that never existed to anyone and it is truly his own and he can properly be with Rhiannon all the time and they would live happily ever after, because I am a hopeless romantic. But this didn't happen. The book completely shocked me as I never expected this, and I loved it, yet hated it at the same time. 

What happened was A becomes a guy called Alexander, and he believes he is a great guy and truly awesome. A meets with Rhiannon and tell her to believe this is the first time they met and they go on a cutesie little date. Then A tells her that when he leave Alexanders body, he will leave the memories for Alexander so he believes that was there first date, so that Rhiannon and Alexander can form a proper relationship. Then in the final chapter/page it just says about how A runs away in the body of Katie to somewhere far away so A is never near Rhiannon again. 

This made me cry cause A sacrificed happiness to let her be happy, and that is just cute. Part of me did think he was going to somehow destroy his own spirit so he doesn't have to deal with the hurt of no longer being with Rhiannon, but the fact he just runs away and still kind of has to deal with everything just made me sad. DON'T JUDGE ME!

So that was my thoughts and a little bit more about the book itself. I hope you enjoyed and I hope that the way I talk about things doesn't confuse you too much, but if you had read the book first you would probably understand what I am trying to say. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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