Tuesday 2 September 2014

What Have I Been Up To?

First things first, sorry for not posting yesterday, I was having a weird day and I just couldn't bring myself to blog. Anywho...So it has been a week since I have really spoken about what I have spent my days doing. Not a lot in fairness but I guess if I mash them all together it will make something that is just the slightest bit worth reading, so let's just get on with it! I swear in the intro I have forgotten everything I have done over the past week. This shall be fun.

Tuesday: Didn't really do anything.

Wednesday: The day of My Little Pony. I played this a lot that day as I recall, just sitting downstairs tapping away and awwing at their cuteness,then watching A Very Potter Sequel, it's too funny. Then I slept.

Thursday: This day is a complete blank. I more than likely just played my little pony and watched youtube.

Friday: You may know from my blog that I dyed my hair. other than that I called my nanny and watched some saved by the bell. 

Saturday: I spent most of this day downstairs, watching tv and whatnot
Sunday: I went to Hemsby with the family to see my nanny. It was pretty cold when we got there so we didn't do much. I went and got a kiddy's cone of chips from the chippy, because I am so cool, and also a slushy. Then got back to the caravan ate, spoke about 6th form and Hal leaving for Uni, and then we all squished in the car to drive my nanny home for a couple of days. We stopped off at a morrisons where it was super cold, then went in her house for a hot chocolate. 

Monday: I got my hair cut. There is a wonderful picture
located to the right. Whilst getting my hair cut we all laughed about how my mum was telling this other lady her life story, and then had a chat about celebrity big brother, and Hariette and my hairdresser were telling me I should have gotten my hair cut shorter and I had to stand my ground cause I feel that would have been too short. But then I got home watched some Saved By The Bell, and then some things happened and I wasn't able to blog. Still sorry about that. 

Tuesday: Today was a very lazy day, played MLP, Sims and watched some youtubes, and organised what I am going to do for the rest of the week. All which you will find out later. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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