Saturday 2 August 2014

One More Day

Hey! Now I know I said yesterday that I would do the blog that was supposed to be up yesterday, but quite frankly my phone is being the biggest douche in the whole world. So I am afraid to say you will have to wait one more day. 

In other news....I REACHED 6000 PAGEVIEWS!!! It hasn't even been a year yet and I already have this many and I find that an achievement. Thank you so much to those who read my blog whenever I post, or those who read the odd one, and even those who just drop by for a sec to see what is happening, cause they all count.

I remember back in the day I got excited about 200. Now look at me. :D 

Thank you all so much, cause now I feel loved. Love yous.

See you in the 'morrow!

1 comment:

  1. I'm at the point where 200 is exciting... lol

    I'm really just the baby in all this
