Thursday 21 August 2014

Saved By The Bell

"When I wake up in the morning and the 'larm gives out a warning. I don't think I'll ever make it on time. By the time I grab my books and I give myself a look. I'm at the corner just in time to see the bus fly by. It's alright 'cause I'm saved by the bell."

I hope you enjoyed that. I sure did. I was really tempted to continue with the whole theme song to the amazing show from the 90s. Why am I singing (yes I actually sang it) this wonderful theme tune and talking about a show which began 7 years before my actual birth. Well because when i was growing up this show used to be repeated on Nickelodeon and I would watch every single one with my sister, and it was great. 

Then recently I saw a Teens React video for this show and 1. I got very upset that they all said they had never heard of it and 2. it made me want to watch the entire thing again. So I went on a hunt on le tinterwebs, and came across a website where I can watch it all for free! I was a very happy bunny. I am already in the middle of season 3! Ugh and it is just as good as I remember.

But the question still stands of why I am telling you this. Well it has nothing to do with the fact I have no other blog post planned, not one bit. 

Sorry. But this is different to what you usually get from me, so just enjoy the ride. 

"When the teacher pops a test, I know I'm in a mess, and my dog ate all my homework last night. Riding low on my chair, she won't know that I'm there. If I can hand it in tomorrow it will be alright. It's alright cause I'm saved by the bell!"

See you in the 'morrow!

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