Monday 18 August 2014

How To Make: Loombands (Fishtail)

As you have guessed from the title, I am going to show you how to make yet more loombands. This time it is the fishtail, which looks like thus, and I will show the two different methods to make them. 

You will need:
A loomband board
A crochet hook
An S clip
and a fuck load of loombands. 

Ok so method 1 is where you will not need the loomband board as you can just make it on your fingersHowever it is more uncomfortable as the bands can be a bit tight. Anywho let's get cracking: 

(By the way I apologise for the picture quality in some images, I could only check after I finshed the loomband and really did not want to undo all my work just to retake images. Sorry :/ )
Step 1: Make a figure 8 with the loomband and hook it on your fingers.
Step 2: Normally place the next two loombands on.
Step 3: Unhook the bottom band...
Step 4:...To look like thus.
Step 5: Unhook the other side to look like this.
Step 6: Place the next band on.
Step 7: Next you unhook the bottom bands like you did in step 4 and 5
Step 8: you continue with this pattern
 (remembering to keep only 3 bands at a time) 
Step 9: Take of the band and remove the last two bands
 (the two left on your fingers in step 8)
Step 10: Add the S clip to both sides.
Step 11: Wear and look cool.
So that is the method without the loomboard, so I guess now I must show you the one with. 
Step 1: Make a figure eight and place on two pegs of the board.
Step 2: Add the next two bands normally onto the board.
Step 3: Unhook the bottom band.
Step 4: Add the next band to the pegs.
Step 5: Unhook the bottom band like in Step 3.
Step 6: Continue with this pattern until it is the size you wish.
Step 7: In order for it to work you need to get the yellow one to be hooked over.
So you repeat the pattern twice more
 (I used red ones to show the extras)
Step 8: Remove the two extra bands (the red ones)
 after unhooking from the board.
Step 9: Add the S Clip to both ends.
Step 10: Wear to look super kawaii.
And now you know how to make a fishtail loomband. 

See you in the 'morrow!

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