Friday 15 August 2014

The Results Are In

Before we get into the traumatic day that was today, lets start on a high. Today is Amy's 17th birthday so let's all just be cheery and sing the cbeebies happy birthday song. *Sings the entire song, not that she is sad enough to know the song or anything* HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok back to the real reason you are probably reading this. 

So today across the united kingdom was a rather important day for 16-18 year olds. For they were collecting A-Level results. I was nervous about this because usually when I think an exam went well it went horribly so I was a little panicky this morning. But I got woken up at 7:30 in the morning by a screeching sister sharing the happy news that she had made it into her desired Uni. So congrats Hal. 

I walked into the scary building with Hal around 9:30ish and picked up my results. At first I was refusing to open them but then I gave in saw my results:
Media Studies- B
Biology- C
Psychology- E (Only now realised I was 2 UMS marks away from a D)
Film Studies- D

To get into A2 I needed at least 3 D's, but the problem was Film Studies is a bonus As Level and does not continue for A2. so as far as I was aware I did not get in. And at first I was actually ok with it all, but it was when people started telling me that I could retake this and resit that, I just became overwhelmed with it and sat in the park for an hour. After calling Claire I felt like all I wanted to do was get a job, but then my mum called and told me it would be better financially if I stayed in school cause if not my benefits shall stop and I should go talk to a teacher about my options. 

And I waited at the park for a bit cause I still wasn't quite sure what I was wanting to do. But I left and got to the school and no-one was there so I left and it turned out Mrs Kelleway was still there so I headed back to the school for like the third time and waited to talk. The first thing she said was I would have to resit the entire year, but I really didn't want to do that, because I would no longer be in the same classes as my friends and I would just waste a lot of time because I already got good marks in my Biology and Media. 

So she went to go speak to Mr BossMan and returned saying I had an extra two options:
The first (and my favourite but probably unlikely) is: I can continue with Media, Biology and psychology next year and resit the weaker psychology paper to boost the grade. However this is down to the new head of psychology.
And the second is: I am allowed to continue with Media and Biology but have to pick up a new AS which I decided was probably going to be sociology, cause I had an interest in the subject and wanted to take it but I had more preferred options, and some of my friends did really well in it this year so if I need it I am sure they can help me. 

I feel a whole lot better about what I got now cause I feel like it can all go well again. I hope you all got the results you hoped for, and remember if not, there is always another option or other options. Something is out there so it is not over and do not give up. Stay Strong :) 

See you in the 'morrow!

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