Friday 8 August 2014

Hats, Chats, and Bowling

Hey there.

So today I woke up at like 8:45 :O WHAT IS HAPPENING?! Then I had a shower got dressed, ate some crumpets and snuck in some my little pony play (yes the addiction is back) before heading out and walking to Toys R Us for I was enquiring about a job they had going. And so totally did not walk around half the aisles looking at toys and trying on hats. Didn't happen. 

After this I headed to bowling but got a little bit lost cause I tried taking this route I thought would get me there faster but didn't actually know where it went so it was a little pointless. Anywho, we got there in the end sneaking through the door so I could sneak up behind Emma and scare her. Then we got the lane, got a pitcher (picture) of coke and got to the bowling. I took some videos but I am too tired to edit them today so I might put them up tomorrow I don't know. You probably don't even care. 

So the moose came 1st and one point behind was Mr Tryhard. This was followed by the galloper, the one that apparently lacks grace, the little bit weird one and then superman came last. It was a good game.

After this we played on some arcade games, and Connor and I teamed up in extreme air hockey and WON! WOOP! then I ran out of money but others played on various things. And then we went and sat by the river for a bit and talked about things, that I don't really remember,
and then we went and saw our little Amy at work and some people got foods, and I found enough money for a drink which I was so happy about, and we chatted and stuff and then pretty much went our separate ways.

So yeah...

See you in the 'morrow!

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