Monday 25 August 2014

"Little" Diary Entries

Hello! So as promised in my post from Friday, I am going to dedicate this post to what I did over the past 4 days, but I will write them on the day they happened so the way I talk about them might be a little confusing. But just think of them like tiny entries to a diary. Well let's just get on with it then

Friday: Today I was awoken at 9:00am after having around 6 hours sleep, so was not happy, as I like me some sleep. But my mum had got a plumber round to fix our bath's draining, which I was happy about because it means I can dye my hair soon. YAY! But anywho I had to make sure the house looked presentable, I will admit we are not the tidiest of people. So once that was done I grabbed a bite to eat, made sure my pre-written post was posted, and got ready to go meet up with my friends. 
The Plumber arrived before I left and he tried to make small talk with me, please don't do that. I am not a small talk person. But I tried to be polite before I bolted out the door and got on the bus. The bus ride was pretty lonely, and then as I was almost at my destination, I noticed Lish, Claire and Siobhan walking and they looked at the bus (not sure they noticed it though) and I waved like a maniac but got no waves in return :'( 
So off the bus I was with those four and we were just chatting and waiting the others to arrive, Then  the rain was like hey and we were like well the others know how to get there, lets just make our way over to the park. So we walked and had weird conversations about Lish not wearing underwear, and me being special, and had a weird phone conversation with Giancarlo about butts. 
At the park we found a little spot under a roof to keep out the rain and waited for Momes, Jessie and Eddie. They arrived and Jessie was dressed up as a banana, I was given a sippy cup, we all ate food and drank drinks and then played this half an hour game of Uno, which Lish won. well done Lishill! After this we relocated and then four of us made a big mistake by going in the water feature with no spare clothes. It was alright when the sun was out but then it got cold. Ugh.
Lish, Siobhan and Claire parted ways then, and the rest of us went to a different park and were chilling, then Momo went to work so Eddie, Jessie, and I played on the turtle swing. Finally I had to leave.

Saturday: I slept for hours. I woke up today in the afternoon, cause why not? It's a Saturday! I went and had lunch cause there was no point to breakfast, and then watched some Saved by the Bell. After this I decided to work on the Sims 4 Stuff that I promised and it went ok. Can't say a lot if not it will ruin the blog post about that. Following this I had some chips with the family, and we settled to watch the new episode of Doctor Who. I was very disappointed. The show has really weakened, and I am considering to stop watching it. My dad fell asleep, my mum just had nothing to say, Hal wouldn't stop complaining, and I practically gave up and played my little pony, which I continued to do for the rest of the night. 

Sunday: I woke up at a reasonable 10am. Then played my little pony. Literally that has been most of my day, besides eating lunch, watching a bit of tv and joining this weird fantasy football league with my friends (I will probably post on that some point soon). I followed this up by doing some video editing, and making some blog post drafts, so that I can have a more relaxed week, not that all my other weeks haven't been relaxed.  Then I ate a bit more food and watched some youtubes. 

Monday: I don't want to talk about today. Today fucking sucked.

Wow I said little and friday could be a whole post of it's own.

See you in the 'morrow!

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