Friday 26 June 2015

The Old Twitter Me.

So as not much is going on in my little life right now I thought why not go back to a time where things were a little more interesting. However knowing me they probably weren't. But I am just hinting towards what I am blogging about today which you probably have already guessed from the title. The Old Twitter Me. The most fun about these posts is finding where I left off. Let's go!
I do love this show a lot, however I feel like all they do now is Countdown, like that is still funny but I miss the old show sometimes. 
Carley tweeted about the song Babycakes, which was like my favourite as a child. Only now I have discovered the dirty meanings behind some of the lyrics though...
I don't remember what this photo was but it was probably something from when we used to take loads in year 9/10. We do have a lot of good memories together, weird I can't remember this one :/
This was hilarious. We were at Gian's house for his birthday and then all of a sudden his clock started moving really fast and Eddie and I were so freaked out we hid behind the chairs and Gian's dad walked in like what the fuck. Good times...
In this small gap I tweet about a video from Gian's birthday. Called The Dancing Connor. If you would like to watch this video click here. 
Ah so excited, little did I know it will drain the life out of me. However some good things came from it. And now it's all over... So strange... :'(
Amy tweeted about why her friends put up with her and this was my response because I'm adorable. It led to a small twitter convo which I cannot be bothered to share. 
There is something about her ventriloquism act that is just so funny to me.
Carley and I just get into a conversation about our favourite Skins character.
Why, Why shall it be interesting?
I was about to type out how I don't remember this, but I do, basically some of the guys at school decided to eat really hot chillis and I filmed their reactions but my fucking phone!
This is about a low point in my life which I'm not really going to talk about. But I mainly use twitter to vent anger so expect a lot of tweets like this.
I then just retweet something about making orange juice when life gives you lemons to fuck up life's day.
Lish tweeted about wanting to go see Monster's University so I offered my services. 
Basically just answers. No point in those.
(I have lost the image for this but it basically said "Spent the whole day watching Sailor Moon. Day well spent :)" sorry about that). Ah I love Sailor Moon, going to catch up on this!
(I seemed to have lost this picture also it read something like "but then you get better hiding places in a game of hide and seek" I wonder why these pics are missing, but oh well!) Lish tweeted about being short, my response (which is always my response) then there is a small conversation about smallness (do you get the pun I made XD )
Talking to Hannah about English. I say talking more like complaining.
My Sister organised a battle of the bands, let's just say there were more acts than audience members. Still was a great time though. I stole someone's hat.
Lish tweets about someone being a bitch towards her, and I have this joke that everything Lish tweets about is about me so I apologised. I wasn't the bitch by the way. We had a small conversation about this. 
The show was called New Girl, there were new episodes. New New. It's weird. I actually stopped watching this show, which I find weird. Maybe I shoud l catch up with that too. 
You can't see it in this tweet but George changed his name (as it was his birthday) and I called him out for being a "teensie bit sad".
I don't think this was directed at me, but I didn't give much context.
Informing Carley she made a mistake by leaving the party early. 
I love my cow poncho. Should wear it more often. Basically Lish was complaining she was too hot.
Well it can't have been that great, I don't remember it. However I agree the history assessment was not great. 

I can't be bothered to do anymore, plus I am actually pretty busy, and tired, so we shall leave it there for now. Hope you enjoyed. 
See you in the 'morrow!

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