Friday 5 June 2015

Negativity Makes Me Tired.

Hiya. I just want to apologise for the lack of effort I have been putting into my blog posts recently. But it is exam season and I am busy revising, and if I am not revising I am at work, or just chilling because you need to chill, and sitting down to make a blog post just doesn't fit into that. It's not that I don't want to make a blog post, my main issue is the time frame. Which also leads into another apology as to why some of my post seem a little depressive, but it's simply because of the big change occurring. I am changing away from a routine of going to school, which has been the same thing for the past 6 years (you know because before was a different school). And it is going to get difficult to see my friends as much because we don't have the security of seeing each other 5 days a week, and we will all have our separate things going on, like Jobs, Apprenticeships and Uni, which could be close or in most cases kind of far away. So trying to find a time to bring everyone together is going to suck. I don't want to fall out of contact really with anyone, but if they stop making an effort with me, say after 3 months, then I will accept that we are going in different directions. 

That's the thing that is worrying me the most. The fact that I have no idea what it's going to be like next year. Who will I stay in touch with? Will I make new friends? Will I be more stressed, less stressed? It's different to knowing you'll have school, because things pretty much stay the same, but now I am getting an apprenticeship. I will be there every day. I won't get a half term. Everything is just shifting, and it's just uncertainty. I think the one thing I know is that the blog posts will have to decrease. I will keep it for sure, because it's a nice memory factfile, but I think everyday will be difficult as I would get too tired. Like I am now. This is all just a load of waffle so I don't really know where to go from here. 

Basically, I haven't been doing great posts recently because I've been tired, and just down, because I am uncertain about the future. If you know me, you would know I like to have things planned and know what is going on, which is why I am upset because I don't truly know what will go on. So it all just sucks. But I guess that is growing up. See you in the 'morrow!

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