Tuesday 16 June 2015

It's All Ending.

Wednesday 10th: I woke up insanely early today (well early for me, my dad had this face of shock when he saw me) so I ate some crumpets and watched big brother. Then I headed to school, talking to Harvey about how shit year 13 will be. We arrived in the common room to say hi to peeps, and Maddy was just saying how her day wasn't going that well already. Don't worry Maddy I still love you <3 And then the bell went and I headed to biology where she brought up exams and I was like nope lets just revise. So it started off fine talking about gene technology and things like that. But alongside this came talk of pelvis bones, the alcoholism gene, which led to talk of the gay gene, which led to facts about the sexuality of animals. Did you know 90% of Giraffes are gay? You do now. Also we had a 15 minute talk about bonobo apes (which are the closest species to us genetically) and how they are very passive because they just fiddle with each others...you know areas...if they want to take some food or whatever, which makes the fact they have a large clitoris very useful. Also they are all pretty much bisexual and the females will sleep with either sexes apart from their sons, and the males will sleep with anything apart from their mothers. Which now leads them into thinking there might be a gene that cause paedophilia. I know. Weird. She also said they were one of few species that can give oral sex. Gotta love the bonobo ape. Then we went back to revision. After this I went to print off some past papers, and having little chats with people and then decided to head home. Where I caught up with a TV show wrote some blog drafts and then revised. 
Thursday 11th: Today was my usual morning routine and then having to get the bus with my dad, which wasn't so usual. We sat apart from each other though. When I arrived at school I said a quick hey to Ashton and Harvey before heading to double psychology. Basically just revision on schizophrenia and media.  After this I spent lunch being judged for colouring a rainbow. I could have gone home at this point but I decided to stay for a bit to do a little revision and watch some youtubes. Because why not. During this time Giancarlo had managed to roll up his trouser leg so far that he couldn't pull it back down, it took four of us five minutes to try. It was hilarious. Then I decided to head home, but missed the bus so in the moments waiting I decided to type out the beginning of this Thursday bit. Then Emily wanted me to mention her name so I did, because I love her lots and lots and lots and she is my favourite. And Maddy says hi. Then I went to get the bus home and chilled and revised and chilled and slept. 
Friday 12th: Today I only had to go in for an hour of biology. My last hour of biology. But this wasn't until p5 so I decided to have a lay in chill at home. The last lesson was strange, basically people brought chocolate and biscuits and things and Miss made us tea and hot chocolate, while we did some pretty poor revision. Then the bell rang but none of us left for like 20 minutes. Basically our other biology teacher came in and we all just had a long chat. It was nice, and it made me a little emotional, I am going to miss them all. During this I was frantically texting Emma as we usually get the bus together and she told me that instead I could get a lift with her so I found her in the study centre and then we left pretty much. Talking about her driving lessons mainly. At home I revised for my biology exam, then slept. 
Saturday 13th: Had work today (like most weekends) pretty normal, but some people were mean when I fell over. Then on my way home I got the family some chips and we ate them whilst watching storage hunters. I went upstairs to try and revise but was just too tired from work so that didn't happen. Sleep!
Sunday 14th: Early start at work today, and it was strange as for a large portion of the time I was the most experienced person (which is never the case) I felt so cool. People continued being mean about the falling over of yesterday, and the day was pretty chill. My time at home was pretty similar to yesterday. I am annoyed at myself for not revising but I was so tired I knew if I tried nothing would be retained so I wasn't going to tire myself out anymore.
Monday 15th: I had a nice lay in today, but longer than I was expecting. My original plan was to go into 6th form and revise but I knew that I would just get distracted by people, so instead I decided to stay at home. First I caught up with Tv and Youtube so that I had nothing to distract me for the rest of the day and got revising for my biology exam. I then did a little psychology but I have pretty much given up with that. Then I decided that I couldn't do anymore so went to sleep. 
Tuesday 16th: Woke up, went to school for my exam, ignored everyone as they kind of stress me out, sat the exam, ignored everyone because the discussion of answers stress me out, went home, napped, chilled, revised, slept.
See you in the 'morrow!

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