Tuesday 23 June 2015


Wednesday 17th: The day of my last exam, so the day the change really began. I got to school and tried to cram in some last minute revision whilst telling everybody I was just going to fail. If you go in knowing you'll fail you can't be disappointed. The 2 hours wasn't so bad and I came out to have little chats then sat in the common room waiting for Harvey, as we were going to see Jessie when he had finished. In the common room I quizzed Emma as she had an exam last, chatted to Aims and Connor, and then Harvey showed up and we met with Jess. With Giancarlo briefly joining us for the walk there before leaving. We chilled at the park for a bit, then played a long game of Cards Against Humanity where we lost to a mug who acted as the random draw. In fairness they made the most sense. Then we decided it was time to go and waited at a different park for the bus, and I just felt super third wheely. Bus home was normal, and at home I just chilled, because everything was done.
Thursday 18th: First day of freedom. So I tried to play sims. But I wanted to fix my game (you remember the weird glitch I have from get to work where it doesn't tell me anything).Therefore I had to wait forever to uninstall and reinstall. So I called my sister, and we organised me going to see her to help her move into her new place. Then a whole lot of shit went down which I am not going to talk about. And sleep. 
Friday 19th: I had a rather chill morning talking to mum about big brother.
Saturday 20th: Now the one thing that hasn't changed. Going to work on weekends! It was a rather average day at work.
Sunday 21st: Work was different today. More change (hence the title) I was placed on Lobby for the entire shift, which I have never done before. It was weird at first but I loved it. I didn't love cleaning a toilet and wiping down a mirror like 17 times but it was less hectic than what I usually do. Then I went home and chilled.
Monday 22nd: I decided that I wanted to buy myself a tablet, so went to the city to find one. The morning before this was basically spent talking to mum about said tablet. So I went to Argos to get a tablet. Only cost me £60, but then I got roped in to 3 year guarantee things and a tablet cover. In fairness it is polkadot! Then Maddy was raving about how she has finally finished and I thought it was time I saw her new flat. So I headed over there. It's pretty cute. We talked about games and tv shows and youtube, whilst eating ice lollies. Then twas time to leave as we were being swapped out with Amy. Bus home was pretty average. At home I played on my new tablet. For hours. Got to number one on the app version of Agar.io.
Tuesday 23rd: I slept in a lot today. Watched Big Brother, made some food, watched humans, played sims, and then Hal convinced me to watch Inside Out. It is so cute. GO WATCH IT! Now! I am finishing this blog now so you have no excuse. Go!

See you in the 'morrow!

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