Thursday 4 June 2015

Sorry Guys

Hey guys!

I'm really sorry, but seeing as it is exams week and this is pretty important stuff, I think it's best that I use this time to revise. I'm sorry but I said this would happen around 3-4 posts ago, so again, sorry to ruin your blogging needs, however this is important shit, and I gotta have my priorities straight, so I have to do this!

Next week will probably be similar to this, however the week after I can comment and discuss it all! So all I'm asking for is patience, because I will post some really awesome content for ya! I'm thinking that if me and Elli agree to it, we might do some challenges like we did last summer, though we haven't discussed it. I think it'd be pretty cool but I won't promise anything guys!

I will quickly say though that this week has been pretty quiet, although I did go camping like previously mentioned which was hilarious, but I'll talk about this on the fabled fortnight from now!

I'm only doing this because I'm really scared about my results. Like genuinely petrified. I really screwed up last year, where if I had done well I might be at the place I'd prefer to be, but I did this to myself and I won't do it again, so I really hope you understand, as I'm sure you do!

Have a good week as always, 

Peace out lads!
See you in the 'morrow!

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