Monday 1 June 2015

PICks Of The Month: May.

Well today is the start of a whole new month. Meaning we get to take a little look back at what has flown past to pick out the favourite(ish) parts.

Tv Show: As it has relaunched again this month we are going ot have to go with Big Brother (which is different to Celebrity BB which I mentioned in the January version). I am planning on writing an official post about my thoughts on this because I don't think I can be bother to say what I wish to say in this one as it is more of a brief thing. But I have always liked Big Brother, and I tend to prefer the ordinary ones as they last longer and tend to have more interesting people.
Youtuber: This month I am going with HatFilms. They are gamers and I only really watch them for their worm wars and for GTAV. This month they have released a some heist videos with Sips that I have rather enjoyed so I thought I should chose them for the Youtuber of May. I also watched the food prank they did and I agree it was a waste of some perfectly good milkshakes.

Blog Post: Umm wow. My posts lately have been pretty lacking. Probably the one about Tekken as it brought back some fun memories playing the game and makes me want to play it some more. I guess as an actual post it isn't that great though. But oh well this is my choice.
Dream: I wouldn't say this was my favourite but it is the only one I can really remember. I was on bus on some kind of school trip next to me was Amy and in front was Tom Grimshaw. I remember looking around the bus (which was huge) for Billy for a reason I don't remember and then ended up spotting Gian and Emily being all cutesie and then just fangirling about it. Then all of a sudden we were off the bus talking about flags and something to do with maths and I was being all rebellious. It then skips to an art teacher I used to have painting a picture and then we were talking about what we liked about it, we got back on the bus and I woke up.  
Song: I have gotten back into My Chemical Romance recently and have been frequently listening to Disenchanted this month, so I guess that will be my pick. It's just a relaxing song to me as it is slower than most of their other stuff (that is also a little less depressing).
Game: As I mentioned before I have enjoyed watching HatFilms Heist videos, so that is going to be my game of the month (even though Tekken might have made a little more sense) But I enjoy watching people play GTAV as it reminds me of the fun times I have had playing it just saying notice me senpai and jumping on strangers. Plus some youtubers just make hilarious content around it, as you can do pretty much anything. Elders react is by far one of the best. 
And finally...Picture: This was tricky. But I shall go for this selfie with Maddy taken at the Leavers Lunch as it is one of the few pictures I have with me and Maddy, which sucks because I love her to pieces. And I know she is reading this so Hey Maddy! Love you :D And I just think we look adorable in the picture, but that isn't to say I don't like the pictures of me with my other friends.
So that is that for this month. Hope you enjoyed these. See you in the 'morrow!

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