Wednesday 3 June 2015

With most games I try out, I discover them on Youtube. This game in particular I saw PewDiePie play a few days ago. It is simply called and you go into this multiplayer world as this colourful geomentric shape and you eat these others shapes. The more you eat
the more you grow. And when you are big enough you can start eating other players. You can also split into multiples to try and eat more, but I never really do that. Also a catch to getting bigger, you move slower. Which is annoying when chasing someone you wish to eat. But useful when running from a massive fucker. The try hards do tend to fuck up your time playing, and lag makes everything worse, but I really like this game as a little something to pass the time. So go check it out, simply type into the url bar. 

Sorry this is a short post, but there isn't really much to say about this game besides what I have already said so use the time you would have spent reading, playing!

See you in the 'morrow!

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